
I went on six spring breaks in Cancun between 1996 and 2003 and the best advice I ever got about vacationing here as a young, drunk male was to always keep two $10 USD bills in my shoe to pay off the cops if I needed to. This isn’t a slight to their police or Mexico or anything. It’s advice I gave numerous friends and

I’d been on the fence, but this is all of the reasons I’m done with LifeHacker and all of the Gawker sites. This cross-posting of propaganda that has nothing to do with the theme of the site has ruined all of your sites, and for what? The ability to push your political agenda to an audience who simply comes here to

Wireless phone charging: Because a car is the only place this really makes any sense.
All auto up/down windows: How much can it really cost dealerships to put those switches in?
Idiot proof Bluetooth: Nothing makes me laugh harder than seeing someone holding their phone to their head in a $120k car because the big man

Our best decision ever was telling the DJ we wouldn’t pay him if he took even a single request.  We then provided him pictures of the worst offenders.  Halfway through the wedding he told me my new sister-in-law had tried multiple times to have god-awful group dance songs played and he thought the ban on requests was

“On the other hand, you might be able to take out a loan from your 401(k), which you’ll have to pay back over the next five years

My mother-in-law can kill virtually any wifi simply by pairing any one of her devices to it. I’ve given up trying to troubleshoot all of the causes, but one of them was that she had her tablet set to sync her Quickbooks data with a one minute refresh interval. Basically, it was trying to download hundreds of megabytes

At 17 I had a Wrangler as my winter/bad weather car and a ‘68 Mustang as my daily driver. Both tried to kill me numerous times, I tried to kill both even more than they tried to kill me. But I did far more stupid shit in the wrangler (and lived) than I’ve ever done in all the cars I’ve ever owned combined. I crashed

Teaching or Policing on Long Island, only replace $60k with $75k and $115k respectively, and replace 2% yearly raise with 7%, and replace “contributing to retirement” with “receiving huge pensions.”

How to use Gear VR with an S7 Edge:
1- Snap phone into Gear VR
2- Curse because no app opened automatically, remove phone
3- Curse again because the app finally opened, put phone back in Gear VR
4- Wait for home screen to loa...the lenses fogged up, remove Gear VR and clear the lenses
5- Open your video app (say no to the

All of these Gawker owned sites have very quickly gone the way of Business Insider and become clickbait generators.

I can’t even call it mooching. I used the term “economic outpatient care” because it’s so well explained in The Millionaire Next Door. It’s become a lifestyle for them. And I don’t mean a couple of friends. I mean I can think of one other friend who is genuinely doing it on his own. Virtually everyone else that I know

It has been happening to me more and more often. I live just outside NYC and we’ve never been told the fulfillment center didn’t have an item. Suddenly in the last two months our orders that had always arrived in two or even one day are showing up in 5 days.

With 40 right around the corner, my wife and I are one of the only couples we know that’s not on “economic outpatient care” from parents. I don’t know if that makes me proud to be secure in my financial position or disappointed in my choice of friends.

I dont trust TSA or baggage handlers as far as they can throw a suitcase. I wore my wife’s ring on my pinky, diamonds turned in toward my hand, until we were safely on our flight. Not a soul noticed, especially not my wife.

Gift cards are cop-out gifts. They say “I know you well enough to know that I think you like this place, and I don’t exactly trust you with cash.” My cousin once gave me an AMEX gift card that cost $5 to activate. So rather than give me $55 in cash, he spent $5 to give me $50 on a gift card. I punched him in the

I don’t know, I read all of this and the word “Crossfit” just kept popping into my head.

I often see The Highway Vigilante, who is unknowingly just as bad a driver as the drivers he/she is “policing.” Generally, Highway Vigilante’s decide that another driver or drivers are breaking the law, and although they have no reason to do it, they set out to stop them from doing so. This usually means they will

Anyone that takes a job specifically for the promise of government student loan debt forgiveness deserves whatever they get, especially if they passed up a better opportunity. In many cases, as others have mentioned, you can’t qualify for loan forgiveness until after you have made 120 monthly payments, and if you

If I don’t lease each of my teens their own new car, how will I communicate to my neighbors that I’m better than them? The kids can’t exactly drive all of the expensive electronics I’ve bought them. If each of my kids has their own leased, new car in the driveway everyone will know that I have significantly more

I’d like to see a followup as to whether using a travel agent is ever worth it. For the life of me I can’t figure out why anyone still uses them. I went to an agent a couple years ago with a destination and a few hotels in mind and she kept trying to pressure me into a totally different trip.

My experiences aside,