
well armed population ha fucking stupid. we need more idiots with guns. You these were most likely trained people with full autos in a surprise attack. all the guns in the world wont save you if youre caught with your pants down. I would much rather have the government protect me than me protect myself because idk

Switzerland begs to differ.

Because people can only focus on one thing at a time. I get it.

What’s the point of continually speaking out against domestic violence?

That and they thrive on any non-presidential election year because they do dismally in higher voter turnouts.

How is any of this not exactly what Jerry Jones signed up for? He has no choice to say Hardy is a team leader and all the rest because he carefully examined all of Hardy’s history and talked to him to make sure he was a changed man.

Yet again, Kane claimed he didn't hear that part.

I’m not clear how her participation in 2 pageants makes her a “pageant queen,” or why that is at all relevant to the awful awful charges against her.

I hated the creep of fantasy sports into the actual reporting of the sports. I literally cannot care about how many fantasy points some QB threw for. Tell me how many yards he had or whatever. But when I watched an NFL pregame show and they broke down everyone’s line up and salaries or whatever nonsense term...that

Burneko, this is right and good and correct and excellent and for a (one can only assume very) temporary period you are not the absolute worst.

They intentionally walked the guy in front of him to put a runner in scoring position. That’s equally disrespectful.

You guys are such fucking tools. 10-1 game. He held his follow through for 2 fucking minutes and went all mvp juice Brett Boone. Fuck that guy. Hes a fucking nobody on a garbage team. He deserves to get drilled and he’s lucky he didn’t get his teammate drilled. But the entitled petulant children that write and comment

“Bye little bird,” indeed.

What a humorless bunch of assholes. The teams as a professional endeavor that pays their bills exist ONLY because people find entertainment value in them and will pay to watch. They don’t exist because baseball is an inherently valuable activity. Without fans, you would be playing for free in an empty park. Like, for

Not for Cait it isn’t.

Demands that they deflate the ball below 12.5PSI? Destroying a phone that Wells said he didn’t need? I’m waiting for this slam dunk evidence that makes this an open/shut case.

If Roger Goodell was a quarterback, he’d clearly be JaMarcus Russell.


I respectfully disagree, Greg. America didn’t lose the war against guns. We haven’t even had the balls to start one.