Danny Ferry is that you?
Danny Ferry is that you?
easy to read. Stop defending this asshole.
Bc you stink@golf! The sport can't control who plays it. It was invented by poor sheep herders! Stop hating
d bag .she was knocked out cold. You don't punch women.
You're a moron. Both of those women he named are monsters& everyone knows it. Watch the video from the revel casino. He punched her in the face& drug her unconscious body from the elevator by her head& neck. Case closed. I don't need a judge and jury to tell me if he's guilty or not. Grossly overpaid professional…
burn that seat
bullshit! There is a world of difference between 15&19 year olds. Freshman in high school vs. freshman in college. Another example of over privileged athletes taking advantage of situations& then having the likes of you feel sorry for them& trying to bail them out. This is why professional athletes are assholes for…
you stink@golf I'm guessing?
it's funny that you think Carmelo is going to make the Heat better.
the NBAs popularity is skyrocketing domestically!?!? Where?
Chrystal yo. Johnny's getting paid.
Deviled eggs are disgusting
so many spoiled brats in baseball. Coddled the moment someone determined they were professional material&acting insufferable ever since.
do u watch international soccer?!? Netherlands& chile are nasty. Netherlands are perennial finalists@ euros& worlds
This lawsuit is out of hand. Every former player can claim the exact same thing if they wish. Pile on the NFL. Where does it end? These are the risks involved in playing that sport at any level. will we see the end of pro football in the near future? World Cup!!!
boo freaking hoo. They got wet& it made for a great story. Probably the only memorable moments of the whole damned event from the stupid engagement party until the messy divorce. Good luck suckers!
Stop telling other people what is and isn't funny! Seth&his creations aren't your bag. Leave it at that.
GWB also had the most practice. he was an awful president of the Texas Rangers before he became an awful president of the U S of A.
What leagues take off dec to march?!? That's the heart of the European football seasons.
Failed to abide by boogers 2nd rule