
I always wondered why I need to drink 2 litres of water a day! No, seriously, sounds like a good idea to have a snack replacement ready!

Yeah keep it varied and challenging. Try lots of things - especially if you're starting out. Find what you enjoy and then find new ways to enjoy that. Check out <a href="">my blog</a> for more tips!

Some great advice here. Definitely set-up a written agreement or basic IOU! Check out my site for more tips and help to draft your own IOU to manage your <a href="">friends & family loans</a>.

This is a great well-rounded post for people starting out. Although it was mentioned I'm surprised you didn't talk more about the importance of setting goals - I found that this has been the biggest driver in my fat loss (and fitness gains). I've lost weight before religiously counting calories and it does work but

I exercise at home and outdoors. There can be no excuses really - can't afford the gym, can't get to a gym, haven't got time. You don't even need any equipment, it costs nothing to go for a walk or do some body-weight exercises. Don't get me wrong I don't mind gyms and if you're motivated that way great - but

What will they think of next? Seemingly anything except for actually getting off your backside, doing some exercise and taking accountability for your actions in terms of what you eat, how much and what you do! If you are serious about losing weight you can achieve it, but you must commit to it. Check our my fat

It's not just the plateau it's good for your health in general. I wrote a post here about sleeping for successful weight-loss - getting adequate rest and sleep will give you a better body, lead to better exercise sessions, mean less opportunity for unhealthy snacking and can help with sleep related disorders or

Yours is an interesting story, probably more so that you don't sound too sure of how you got here - do you worry that the weight will come back? I lost a lot of weight before doing a similar thing - a bit of this and that but no real plan or structure. The weight came back. Last year I decided to plan out my attack

300 calories a night would be a pound of fat in less than a fortnight! Staying up late usually leads to an excess snack binge too. There are a number of reason that sleep effects your fat loss success - check out this post.

I get about 7-8 hours sleep per night. I wrote a blog post recently about the weight loss, fat loss and training benefits of getting quality sleep - check it out if you have time. Thanks.

I've not tried the diet myself but know people who have and claim it has worked well for them. I don't dispute that but I wonder if it's really sustainable as is suggested? To be sustainable you need balance and 5:2 doesn't look balanced does it!? I'm down 38lbs now following some simple steps and getting my mind,

Great article, particularly with regards to 'not being hard on yourself'. To me you are setting up excuses for failure if you go hard on yourself. Go easy and slow to start with - the important thing is you do something and stick with it. Don't run before you can walk so to speak... I've recently set up my own fat

Funny, I wrote about this just the other day on my blog please check it out - for me it is definitely the morning!