Greyer than I look

"Can I get half and half?"

Anyone who has ever sat in a classroom/meeting/whatever and made a point, been told it's not exactly right, only to hear a man in the room repeat THE EXACT SAME POINT in slightly different words, and be told he's a visionary, has experienced the rage. It more or less sums up like 50% of graduate seminars, and no doubt

If someone I'm dating gives me an ultimatum of any sort it has been my policy in the past (and will be in the future) to dump them on the spot. Ultimatums are controlling, manipulative behavior and are absolutely not okay.
Stating what you want and need can take a completely different form than an ultimatum, and should

...because if someone gave me a choice between someone who gave me an ultimatum and someone who didn't give me an ultimatum, I would almost always pick the second person? P.S You do you though

I've been in a bunch of situations where I'm that friend, and it sucks! I think a good strategy is to try to cultivate a relationship between your female friend and your girlfriend (or your male friend and your boyfriend, or your friend of any gender and your partner of any gender if you're bi.) Invite them to stuff

Does this actually happen?

Yeah, the tipped minimum wage when I waited tables 25-30 years ago, was the EXACT SAME THING it is now. Only then, minimum wage was $3.35, so $2.13 wasn't SO bad.

My brain does not math, so the easiest way for me is to take 10% (because even I can manage to shift the decimal place over one) and then double that, which gives me my starting point for the tip.

Adding, about my father: I think he also always wanted to double-check himself. Later, as an adult dining with him, I found that he had a real horror at the spectre of perhaps accidentally undertipping. He always added more to what his tip calculator told him.

The art of tipping is, for most people, really freaking annoying. How much is too much? How much is too little? Is this the only reason I had to learn how to calculate percentages in 5th grade?

You truly are the vox populi. The people in the comments called upon you and you answered. Bravo!!!

Winner. Close second is the woman with two kids who called the bar and the bartender addressed her by another woman's name.

About seven years ago I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was lucky in that it was fairly isolated so they just chopped that sucker out, but I was devastated by the treatments. Just.. so so sick. An old friend of mine (we'd shared a really shitty apt in NYC in my early 20s and during this time she and I had had a

My husband of three years started watching My Little Pony. And I was like...okay. Whatever. That's fine. Until he started verging into brony territory. And then I got a bit concerned.

When she showed up at our apartment with a toddler. Cute little bugger- looked just like my at the time husband.

Oh god yes. I saw her at our ten year HS reunion, and she looks like an ugly Sideahow Bob.

When she told me, over the phone, she was pregnant, it wasn't mine, and she was marrying her new boyfriend that weekend. That was literally the only time I broke something out of anger.

A friend of mine called his wife while we were in Afghanistan. She was really excited that to tell him that she was eight weeks pregnant. One problem: we had been in Afghanistan for three months. Turns out his wife was kinda bad at math.