Greyer than I look

I worked in restaurants through high school and college. One time I went in for some minor surgery and when I woke up, the nurse asked me, "Do you work in a restaurant?" and I said, "Yes - why?" She said, "Just as you were going under, you shouted 'You can't seat 8 people at table 42!" Still to this day, whenever

Tara is great! I hired her! I assigned that one to her today and asked her to draw a lady with a toilet on her head. Her work is consistently fantastic.

Now playing

Fun fact. Historically the line in this famous song by the Police has been misinterpreted as "I'll be watching you". In fact the original lyric was "Owl be watching you". The song was originally intended as a love letter to Owls everywhere but over the course of time it's true meaning was lost.

Heartbreaking and infuriating. What a beautiful guy and some assholes felt so threatened by him just existing that they had to hurt him. :(

Pssst. You might want to check the author of that post vs. the author of this one. ;-)

He won't acknowledge it. These douchebags never do. But I imagine that he will get wind of it, and at the very least, perhaps he will learn not to be a douchebag again to someone who can I.D. him.

Half the world thinks evolution is a myth. Many people can be very wrong.

I've started to notice the people that say "Don't tell me how to raise my kids!" are the exact people that need to be told how to raise their kids.

I totally had at least three. The mall, the birthday, and the one with the puppy. I'm glad you found out/remembered there were several. They're adorable books that need to be shared (and they're affordable, too!).

I live in Atlanta and don't like basketball or the Hawks but I have been to a few games in the last couple of years. These owners are morons and it is disgraceful and shocking that here in Black Hollywood we don't have a bomb ass NBA team with a celeb fan base that puts butts, black and white, in seats. But the issue

I will answer your question when it applies to reality, and not to a hypothetical that you are constructing in service of defending racism.

I don't do this normally but Albert, this article completely changed my mind on this issue. I already had my mind made up to be in the "He's just trying to be good at business" camp after reading the whole thing and trying to see the context of things, but you make some points that I simply can't refute.

Here's the thing, though - white people like myself don't get to decide whether Levenson's email was racist or not. Why? Because we weren't the targets of it. We were not the ones accused of showing up late, not cheering loud enough when we do show up, not spending enough money on merchandise, etc. It's just as big an

Firing black cheerleaders because they're black is a good place to start.

Coca-Cola does the opposite of what Levenson is doing. Coca-Cola makes their product more diverse through expanding the market for minorities. Levinson is trying to make his product less diverse by shrinking the African American market.

"We have to figure out how to make white people who hate black people feel like our product is for them" is racist.

I fucking love happy stories about old people. And Alice's pantsuit is super cute.

I disagree. Children DO learn at home much more than they used to. Things like YouTube and Khan Academy have given access to education to those who would never get it, or work as an extension for school. Don't forget the fact that online schools and online courses offered by schools and colleges are popping up faster