
no touch screen stuff going on? it would be a cool option to have.

It’s pretty light in the RPG department, in my opinion. No random “battles,” instead there are little quests that you initiate at your leisure by talking to NPCs. There is a bit of equipment upgrading, and some stat boosting. I’d consider this a totally casual RPG — and I’m really enjoying it!

If it’s anything like the previous gen (which I have), the trackpad is horrendus. Huge problems with accidental input and very limited in terms of gestures. I’m actually thinking of getting rid of it after only owning it for like 6 months.

The problem is what track-pads. If makers use the built in Windows drivers and a trackpad that supports them then its great. if they say use Semantecs(?) or some other brand drivers then it can be really hit or miss.

I can’t speak for the stealth, but I own a 2015 Blade and 2016 MBP. The trackpad isn’t comparable. The Blade is an utterly fantastic machine, but the trackpad is a sad, lonely afterthought. Maybe that’s fine; these things are mean to be used with a mouse. And as much as I love mine, I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t

Ugh, god, yes. I use all windows machines now for various reasons, but why are the touchpads always such garbage?

Decided to stop by my local Best Buy a little after they opened at 10am this morning just to see. I was completely shocked when I walked in and the guy at the door asked if I was there for the SNES Classic, and if so, to take this ticket and get in line to purchase. Whoa! I was #60 and it seems like they had about

I tend to agree. But then, every few years, I see something that makes me go, “Oh yeah. This is why we have that word.”

half the class loved the movie and the other half thought it was ridiculous and pretentious

60/40 RPG with great writing (I’m roughly 3 hours in). It’s a lot of fun, definitely would not call it a golf game.

You are getting quests through quest givers, upgrading gear, and solving puzzles, it’s every bit a 16 bit era RPG with golf instead of menu combat.

It’s an RPG but instead of battling people you hit golf balls. Best way I can describe it. When you level up, you get points to improve your swing in various ways so you can hit balls better.

Its 100% rpg with the ability to drop the ball and gold anywhere. Literal. You just drop the ball and just hit shit with it, including people, pots, animals, random stuff. And everything has a reaction, pretty hilarious. I dont give a fuck about golf, but this game is amazing.

I like the WW theme because it doesn’t fit and is super jarring. It’s inserted in both movies in such a way that it signifies a major/abrupt change in tone.

Seriously, how often do they think I’m changing my email address?

From the videos I’ve watched, it’s about 50/50, maybe skewed a little more towards RPG. The main RPG elements are gaining XP / leveling up, adjusting stats, and buying new equipment.

Some players might express their feelings in an overly aggressive way, but I think the problem is legit. Switch icons are what you see everytime you’re on the home screen, no matter if the game card is in or not, and they don’t go away either when you play new games. They are taking more than 1/3rd of the screen

Unless the icon has the game title below it like Windows, Android or iOS does, then the icon needs to have the title within it so I know which game it is at a glance.

as someone suggst here if you wanna try older games pst (planescape torment) also regarding huge backlog well i have one too and i kind of given up ever getting trough it, yes if i mange to beat 15-20 + games each year then i am fine , finished far more then that amount this year and last year tough

So that makes this effectively canon, right?