
What the hell?! That’s crazy coming from CD Projekt Red, who basically built their reputation on PC games. I still have my huge PC CE for The Witcher 3, crazy to think in 4 years they went from that to just doing all digital for PC

What the hell?! That’s crazy coming from CD Projekt Red, who basically built their reputation on PC games. I still

I’d have LOVED an Avengers game in the Play Arts Kai Variant style.

Completely agree. It just looks like their idea was “let’s make a game based off the 2012 Avengers movie...but kinda do it slightly differently....” Like, why? You have the entire comics to go off of. You can do something CRAZY, but instead, their starting point is the 1st Avengers movie with a pretty boring lineup 

You REALLY expect they’re going to be releasing 9 $60 games for the next decade+? That’s an absurd notion.

Yeah definitely had the same reaction to this that I had to MvCI: offbrand MCU...and this one hews way more closely to the MCU unfortunately than MvCI did. At least MUA3 has way more non-MCU characters.

Expecting it to be a 9part series is frankly ridiculous. It’s not going to go on for that long

Hey, that guy that comments on like every article saying “Saga Scarlet Grace is better than this” can be happy now 

Yeah if I do head back it’ll be tricky to see if I can find a time where they’re not filming but it’s also not taken down yet because they’re completely done filming...hmm....

Noooo! My biggest regret was when I went to Universal Studios and did the tour, part of it actually went through the Good Place sets with all the pun-y business names, and I took a video on my iPhone...not realizing that I forgot to push the record button. Dunno if the set is even still up and if they’re gonna spend a

Totally agree, difficulty curves are one of the biggest factors in whether or not I stick with a puzzle game. But, as is the case with most puzzle games, I get good up to a point where I just can’t make the leap to figuring out strategies to make the next leap and completely give up.

It was The Watch podcast, and yeah it seems a good amount of people on Reddit have your take (that I’ll also probably agree with): potentially still a cool movie, just a trailer that’s cut very generically to be accessible to a wider audience 

Yeah I never understood the hate for Trials. At worst they were just like gyms.  

It’s a “real” Pokemon game

One of the podcasts I listened to mentioned this as a movie to look out for a few months ago and based on his description I was hyped for it. I could see flashes of that in this trailer, but as a whole it seemed....kinda meh?

Don’t exactly know what they’ll change for Low Data Mode but that’s a great feature if it works well (especially when I’m hotspotting from my phone to my iPad) 

Loving most of the new designs, besides the shield legendary (the shield’s too big!). Especially digging Drednaw and Corviknight. Overall, the game looks pretty good

Still, I can’t get past the thought that all of this hubbub could have been completely avoided if Apple had just priced its Pro Display XDR at $6,000 instead of $5,000, and then tossed in the Pro Stand for free. At $5,000, Apple’s Pro Display is so expensive, most folks immediately knew it was out of reach, so tacking

Yep. Went to college where the students biked because it was a big campus, and all the students fucking hated drivers (me included). Then I started working on campus and driving around campus and turns out the bikers fucking sucked. Everyone, when commuting, sucks. And that includes me! I’m sure if I were in some

I love both Jemaine and Taika in the movie but I actually kinda miss Jemaine more haha, I think I just find the character of Vlad a little bit funnier than Taika’s character 

Really? I have a very low tolerance for cringe (I can barely rewatch The Office) but the movie didn’t seem to have any moments that bothered me