
Honestly I kinda just stopped caring about power levels in the MCU. If you put a modicum of thought into who should be how powerful it would all just fall apart, so I just ignore that part of my brain and strap in for the ride and seeing various characters do badass things

I feel like Thor will probably live but my prevailing theory is that the old Avengers will “trade” their lives for the new ones to be brought back. At the very least I can imagine Stark and Rogers sacrificing themselves

100% what I think will happen. A4 is gonna start right after IW and then it’ll basically undo IW’s Snap, so technically there will have never been a Snap for the TV shows to consider

Feige recently had an interview where he basically said they made a mistake trying to make a big deal out of not calling it Infinity War Part 2

I have no knowledge of the comics but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s like cryo-frozen or something and the pager is a signal to wake her up

That’s possible, but Captain Marvel is in the 90s so I feel like it might be a bit way too long ago

Will completely agree that I guess a complaint is that it was a bit too funny that the theatre was laughing too long and loud that I missed some dialogue, but that’s a good problem to have

Fall 2018

When they’re on Knowhere you can see a blue dude in one of the glass boxes

Apparently Feige had a recent interview where he says they really didn’t want to hype up the film as 2 separate films, and that it was probably a mistake to make a big deal out of not calling it “Infinity War part 2"

Agree, Strange didn’t get tooooo much awesomeness even in his own movie but he was so good here

Man, your thoughts are exactly the same as my own! Completely agree on two points:

Yeah I’m 100% ok if she just completely drops the accent. I mean she’s spending a bunch of time with Americans and has Mind Stone powers, “Sokovian losing Sokovian accent” doesn’t require much suspension of disbelief at all

Maybe I’m being a bit too optimistic but I think they KNOW we know all those people are coming back, so it’s a bit of a “fake.”

I actually think they plotted it out in a pretty genius manner.

I think he had some suspicions that SOMETHING weird was going on. Admittedly the background for why Fury was suspicious isn’t quite clear

Have you heard he’s from Quincy, Massachusetts?

Ooooh OK I don’t think I’m in that same situation so I might be safe. But yeah all the different plans and options and stuff are really poorly supported, I’m kinda glad I got in early so I don’t necessarily have to deal with all that anymore

Wait, you got bumped from the unlimited to the 4-a-month plan? How do you know? I’m on the unlimited plan and hoping I don’t get bumped...

I’m all for chain pizzas but I never really dug Costco pizza, would always much rather get a hot dog or a chicken bake