
You must be ecstatic now huh

Haven’t read the book but I live in the Bay Area and just read about the guy last year and it legitimately sent a chill down my spine, the crimes committed were so widespread and disgusting

I mean isn’t the problem more that “young hip people” just don’t like cooking? They just like eating out more

If it eventually leads to being able to stream PC games to my Switch, then I’m all for it. Something like Moonlight on my Switch would be amazing

Ronan and Korath weren’t super fleshed out in GOTG so I’m cool with this (though I actually did like Ronan, unlike a lot of people). I AM a bit wary though with Fury and Coulson, I wonder if there’s going to be a lot of care put into their arc so that their later appearances in the MCU track with the events of Captain

Nintendo has also already announced an E3 tournament for the upcoming Smash Bros. on Switch.

What’s wrong with using coupons that makes you so salty?

I’ll give them a little benefit of the doubt since they seem to be international (Google says Hungarian)

Holy shit didn’t realize he hadn’t been posting articles, I felt something was missing from Kotaku articles for a bit and it’s precisely because he hasn’t posted anything. Hope it’s nothing serious

Usually I like the tips posts but I kinda agree with you. I was a bit back and forth on my enthusiasm for this game but after all the reviews I was kinda back on board, but this tips post is really long and kind of makes the game seem a bit too complicated for what I want out of a GoW game

Why does this seem to be such a big problem with AAA games? Are most devs now thinking people play on monitors or something? Is it hard to figure out a good font size when you have to deal with both 1080p and 4k TVs? It just seems weird that it’s a new and consistent issue

Unpopular opinion but I actually dig Renner and the character, especially after the mind-control plotline in the first Avengers. Especially his pep-talk part to Scarlet Witch in AoU

Completely agree, someone who unironically uses “PC” as an insult is whatever but I do kinda agree with their overall point

I feel like this is about where the line is where you as the parents need to be taking more responsibility and not putting everything on others; I totally get that there’s a lot we as a society can do, but I think “don’t eat peanut butter in public” is a step too far.

Just reading the title I thought the easy answer was the donut but that donut does look pretty...excessive. Still probably not as bad as that burger but I kinda don’t want either


Mmmm I think it’s fairly well known but I also live near it so obviously that has an effect. I feel like “company” might work there though

I’ve had it for a week or two now and not sure if I like it or dislike it, just takes getting used to.

The comics aren’t the main issue, the article isn’t really a treatise on “she’s awesome in the comics, she should be awesome here!” It’s about how her character in the movies hints at some fascinating things to explore yet they don’t explore them at all. Outside of a tongue-in-cheek mention of House of M at the end,

Just watched Doctor Strange yesterday and can’t agree more. The magic and mystical shit is a huge new part of the MCU and the movie was very ho-hum about it.