I think the main “lack of precision” is in its analog sticks which are digital as opposed to analog, but that doesn’t really affect too many games
I think the main “lack of precision” is in its analog sticks which are digital as opposed to analog, but that doesn’t really affect too many games
Ugh when I added an SSD into my first build a couple months later, there were some wiring/cabling issues and a random wire got caught in the GPU fan. Had no idea why my components were overheating and why my GPU performance was so bad until I opened it up again and saw that the wire was stopping the fan from spinning.…
There’s really nothing quite like playing your first game after your first build, especially if you’ve been playing on cheapo laptops with integrated graphics cards your whole life. I had a similar time with my first build: spent a couple hours in a night building and ignoring food and water the whole time, then…
Awesome I’ll look into it, thanks!
Does anyone know of a higher quality premium Joycon grip (for both Joycons, not for a single one). Maybe one that’s a bit heavier and has a softer material at the handles?
As someone who’s built 2 different PCs now (did my first one when I was 19 I think?) and replaced hard drives and upgraded GPUs in them a few times, I will say people kind of over-exaggerate how easy it is. Probably because people used to over-exaggerate how hard it was, but now people are going in the opposite…
Totally agree on Puyo Puyo Tetris. LOVE the Tetris part but for the life of me, can’t even grasp Puyo Puyo at all
I think the bug is that if you’re in a cutscene when you put your Switch in sleep mode it records that time. But yeah, so weird that it doesn’t save tutorials when even the original XC saved tutorials and let you view them at any time
I dunno if I have 500 hours of this game in me, but I can definitely see me playing this for a long while (unless it’s like 20 hours in and I’m still barely getting to level 2 haha)
Hahahaha it took my a lot more than 6 runs to get down to floor 2...I’d rather not say how many total deaths I have
Yeah 2nd level. Clearing the first level probably gets you about 50-60 casings.
Actually never mind, read the article and it said it vacillates between 1080p and 4k.
Holy shit am I awful at this game and holy shit is this game so fun. It’s perfect on the Switch, but I am so so bad at it hahaha. Got to the 2nd level, like, twice
Plenty of “self-respecting PC gamers” mostly target 60FPS as a baseline. Sure, nothing to write home about, but I don’t think the majority of PC gamers who build their own PCs have 144hz monitors. And I say this as someone who owns a 1440p 144hz GSync monitor.
Is the 60 FPS option meant for 1080p? From what I remember, the XBox1X is kinda on the same level as having a 1070, and that can certainly run Witcher at more than 60fps at 1080p.
Yep that’s my main complaint so far. Fine with the premise, fine with the idea of making an Ocean’s 8, cool with the cast, but the trailer was just very low energy
Yeah it’s captioned as Romancing Saga 2
Totally agree with everything, but in the end it was a niche JRPG for a niche system (niche even in Japan) so I just can’t say that it’s likely to be ported.
Didn’t have a Vita til April of this year and DQB wasn’t really on my radar then. Do think playing on the Switch is better than the Vita though
“Most likely to succeed in getting ported” is an awfully poor way of saying “most likely to be ported,” but even if that IS what he meant, then I’ll change my disagreement to: I don’t think TMS is the most likely to get ported.