
Jason reaaaaallllly dislikes this game haha. The comments section to his review tomorrow should be...interesting

I still don’t get what you’re trying to say. TV ratings are a huge reason for things getting cancelled and they’re not correlated with quality at all. Pushing Daisies got cancelled because of low ratings but was an extremely good show. Same with Hannibal.

Mmmm....I’m not sure I agree with that, since “living up to potential” and “making a hit” aren’t really the same thing. A good TV show and a hit aren’t the same thing: amazing TV shows can have poor ratings, and bad shows can have huge ratings. Hannibal certainly wasn’t a hit but many people considered it an amazing

Mostly done with BotW and pickings are sparse? Really? Get Splatoon 2, Odyssey, Kingdom Battle, Xenoblade 2 is coming out and that’s a massive game.

Me and my friends were joking that he was mad because maybe he had a date at 9:30pm eastern and the technical difficulties made him late but holy shit this is on another level

Ok I’m fine with using storebought premade stuff but bragging that you make the best homemade pie is really pushing it. If I did that I’d say “I make a pretty good pie” but no need to act like it’s the best of emphasize that it’s “homemade”

1) A lot of the 1:1 advocates kinda make strawman arguments and are often “ugh these non 1:1 people just want flying mounts and LFD,” ignoring that Brack already said that LFD wouldn’t be in, and a lot of the changes some people DO want are extremely minor. I’ve barely seen people ACTUALLY advocate for flying mounts

Ugh...voted instantly for him without thinking but you’re right...

If you didn’t vote for Clay you’re wrong

Obviously Transformers are really into sex

Oh, didn’t know that, so the annual option seems even better for me then

I very much prefer the annual subscription to the monthly subscription. There’s oftentimes I won’t see a movie for a month or two. Sure, I could just cancel for those months, but paying $90 a year? I’m almost certainly gonna see 6-9 movies a year and I won’t have to worry about cancelling and reactivating for certain

Agree with the bug-infested iOS11, but the iPhoneX wasn’t really delayed (and even if it was, it really didn’t matter in the end), and delays and innovation/perfection aren’t mutually exclusive.

Does it feel like you need to shower for significantly longer using this, or just a little bit longer? I’d imagine water savings would be offset if you needed to take a longer shower.

Mmmmm maybe that’s an issue for huge streams, but a lot of small streams are way more tight-knit.

Well, you can chat with the streamers and oftentimes they’ll respond back to you.

I was actually pretty excited for this event and all the evil Batmen because they were so deliciously edgy and the idea was awesome, but I completely agree, this is absurdly and ridiculously over the top

It’s kinda like all the times Trump supporters on The_Donald would pretend to be gay/black/whatever and be like “Hey I’m a black person and I support Trump” but then forget that they’re still on their main account and get caught.

Yeah but you’re not using the dock when you’re playing portably, so I don’t see the issue. If the dock was required to play in handheld mode I’d see your point, or if you had to hold the dock while playing, I’d see your point, but all you have to do is transport it. Stick it in a backpack, leave it in your car,’s not portable? The dock is pretty damn small and light and the AC adapter is no larger than, say, a laptop charger.