
Hmmm....I’m just not really sure about having to pull out my Wiimote from wherever it is and figuring out how to get it to work on my PC with Dolphin

I think most people were waiting for Stardew Valley, and while I’m mildly interested in it, so many other people are hyped for it that I kinda just want it to release soon! Apparently it’s been sent for testing

It’s mostly a matter of me not wanting to find my WiiMote and figure out how to get it working on Dolphin

Is it Wiimote only or can you play without motion controls for NMH2?

Alright looks like I gotta get NMH1 for the PS3 and maaaaaybe play NMH2 on Dolphin?

Random controls question but does it make use of L3/R3 and the Options/Select buttons?

I really don’t consider Total War an RTS but I guess it does fall under the umbrella of strategy games

Ugh yes please, loved Age of Mythology

1) Please let this be a renaissance for RTS so we get a Warcraft IV or other fantasy RTS.

That’s probably what I’m gonna do but the whiplash back and forth between PS4 and PS3 games is gonna be meh haha

Man I really wanna get into the series and before Kiwami/Kiwami 2 came out I had a set plan in mind: play 0, then Kiwami, then 3-5, then 6...but now I’m not sure if I should play 0 then Kiwami or Kiwami then 0, and with 2 in the I wait for Kiwami 2? Or do I do 0/Kiwami then 3-6 then 2 when that comes out?

doesn’t that go for the rest of the cast as well?

Still the best one

Yesterday, it all came to a head when YouTube channel Visceral Art Gaming posted a video in which they repeatedly stream honked both of the popular streamers, among others.

Holy shit I was following the revival toys but had 0 idea they even made a Netflix show, but sounds like it’s good I didn’t

So it’s black lives OR support the military? That’s quite the straw man.

Recently went to Vegas and got really into Blackjack...this is kinda up my alley...

Inclined to agree. I really wanted to like XV and there were definitely a lot of things I loved, but in the end it just didn’t come together for me. I’m not sure those flaws could’ve been fixed with DLC and stuff like that...but almost everything they’ve announced for the XV universe and for XV itself has not been

hahahah I got lucky, was checking to see if anyone else had posted it and was surprised no one did

Literally this