
That’s probably the approach I’ll have to take. Before replaying Nier I was crazy excited for Automata, because I didn’t really remember what I loved about the original Nier. After replaying it I realized what made it great and how hard it would be for another game to match that, but that’s definitely unfair to

Literally just beat the first Nier again to refresh my memory before playing Automata. Hadn’t touched it since I 100%ed it when it first came out and forgot a lot of the details, but even though it’s a little janky and dated, I remembered why I loved that game and why it’s my favorite game of all time. Played ~6 hours

Yeah, I mean it works, but it’s certainly not flawless when compared to how the trackpad works in MacOS. Again, working off of Windows 7 here so maybe it’s changed in 8/10

I actually do like Windows but using it on a MacBook just doesn’t feel great because of the trackpad. Maybe it’s better with Windows 10 but even with 3rd party tools, the trackpad just doesn’t work well with Windows

We got P4 on the Vita, not the 3DS

The only Persona game that we’ve gotten on a Nintendo system is Persona Q, a spinoff. We know we’re getting an SMT game on the Switch and we know it’s not Persona 5. Basically there’s just nothing to suggest Atlus has ever thought of bringing mainline Persona games to anything but Sony systems. I say “almost

I have such weird feelings toward this game. I want to say I was really disappointed with it (I forget at what point I realized the story wasn’t going to hold up but man was that a bummer) but then I also want to defend the game to myself and feel that saying it was really disappointing is too harsh. I think it’s the

Did the same thing, didn’t have a PS4 but HAD to have the collectors edition. I just got a PS4 because honestly it’s building up a really great lineup.

It almost definitely won’t but man do I agree. The Switch is the PERFECT platform for JRPGs

Probably not high. The fact that it’s even getting a 3DS remake in the first place is already kind of out of left field. If they didn’t already announce it for both the 3DS and Switch, I don’t see the Switch getting it (or at least not for a long while)

I don’t understand the confusion. I kind of see where they’re coming from but to complain about it is still petty. They’re not mutually exclusive like you seem to think for some reason.

While I do kind of get the complaint, “the help is getting their food before the talent!” is kiiiiiind of petty

“Tell me about why you prefer PS4 over Xbox and why you playing so many video games contributed to your team’s failures this season.”

The question Caraviello apparently was ACTUALLY criticizing was when one of the kids asked the player about how it felt to have his mom at the game which she can’t always do. Not saying that’s an amazing question or anything but holy shit THAT IS THE TYPE OF QUESTION ACTUAL BEAT REPORTERS ASK. Let’s not get all

To me it really is mostly an arbitrary distinction. Nintendo does have obvious reason to want to market it as a console, but I do still think it’s mostly a case of it being both rather than being solely one or the other.

No joke though when they first revealed the Switch I legitimately did think it was a DPad

WoW has always had a shitton of menus

There’s no conductive foam in the original launch ones that work fine out of the box, nor the new ones being made in the ones that work. Read the article you posted.

That’s literally the opposite of what was said

Kirk did and he didn’t wait long to gloat about it on the podcast haah