
Exactly. And does no one remember 13-0, consensus #1, SEC champ LSU getting CRUSHED in the title game in 2011? Even teams that “deserve” to get in the most can get destroyed in the postseason.

Because Ohio State didn’t handily beat Oklahoma, and Penn State REALLY passed the eye test by losing to Pitt and losing by 39 to Michigan

Yeah! Clearly the B1G champ always plays well! Wait...what? B1G Champ Michigan State lost 38-0 last year in the playoff? Interesting...

I guess you mean the look of them? Because watching the gif the animations are super spiffy

No joke I actually thought that’s what this article was going to be about when I saw the headline

Regardless of the quality of execution (I generally agree, I barely did any sidequests because they felt especially inessential) I still think they aimed for a larger scope than most JRPGs do, and not just in terms of scale of the world. Things like set pieces, graphical quality, etc.

I wonder what effect FFXV will have on JRPGs overall. Are there going to be other games that try to match it in scope, or is SE now the only company that tries to make a JRPG on the level of a “Western AAA game?” I feel like a lot of console JRPGs (outside of maybe...Xenoblade a little?) are still doing the cel-shaded

I Am Setsuna

.... the inclusion of Hearts of Iron and Homeworld instantly make your entire post incorrect

.... the inclusion of Hearts of Iron and Homeworld instantly make your entire post incorrect

Having Ivalice content made BY Matsuno absolutely cements XIV as one of the best modern FF games. That announcement was so unexpected and so awesome. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for something in FFXIV

Man, good to see so many people talking about Nier, legitimately one of my favorite games ever. Gonna wait to get it on PC but everyone has positive impressions of the combat which is awesome (even though I was fine with the combat in Nier, I just tried Bayonetta on WiiU recently and even if Nier Automata is only

It’s entirely dependent on how well the Switch does. Handheld gaming is HUGE in Japan. It might be easy to say that the Switch would do well over there too because it’s like a handheld, but we don’t necessarily know why handhelds are so popular. Is it because of the price? Nintendo launched the 3DS at $250 and had to

Well I would disagree there, there’s been a ton of articles about Sun and Moon driving 3DS sales. Either due to Pokémon Go or people just being more interested in Sun and Moon than past games, it’s clear that the success of Sun and Moon wasn’t just due to them selling to people who already had a 3DS

Is it a case of maybe Nintendo not anticipating the demand, from Pokemon Sun/Moon and then from Black Friday sales? Just spitballing

Yeah I didn’t mean in a technical sense. Sapochnik did an amazing job directing BotB. Technically and visually it was stunning...but narratively I don’t think there were many surprises. Hardhome WAS surprising and unexpected.

Hardhome was legitimately breathtaking and actually left me speechless. I remember watching it and thinking “wait there’s no way they’re gonna have this big scene....wait no way....holy shit they’re doing.” It was so unexpected and executed so well.

Yeah it’s definitely an interesting change. Maybe they didn’t think they had to transmit it so they were just running back to the ship to fly away but they can’t fly away for some reason so they have to change plans to transmit? I dunno if that tracks with established canon or whatever, but it’s very clear that she

The Hodor scene was definitely the highlight of the season for me. BotB just didn’t do it for me, I still consider Hardhome some of the most thrilling moments in TV.

Yep exactly. It’s still incredibly fucked up, but “murder” is kind of a weird way to put it.