
On that note, what DOES Jason think of FF12?

Personally, I didn’t mind the bland protagonist because the real main character was Ivalice. The music, the world-building, the graphics were amazing; as were the level design and sidequests like mark hunting.

How’s the management now compared to Parkitect?

People are saying it’s tied to your Nintendo account, so I think you can just give them that account and it’ll unlock the full game

It’s a reference to an article about Todd earlier today


Yeah, well....YOUR life is stupid!!!!

You don’t need them to finish the game, and I’m pretty sure a few of them are meant to be obtained AFTER you finish the game. They just aren’t good enough of a driver behind the story. If they had more story about each individual weapon, or if there was a bigger story change with Noctis getting each one, that’d be a

That definitely would explain a lot of the issues, you can pretty easily see where they would’ve split up the game too.

I wouldn’t go as far to say that it’s the worst FF. The potential is absolutely there and the hints of a great game that are actually in the game are enough for me to rank it higher in the series. There are some FFs I just didn’t like from the beginning that never resonated with me and I would definitely rate those

I really liked Kingsglaive so for a long time I was OK with the idea that the game doesn’t start out in Insomnia, but seeing how it’s actually used in the final game and how we BARELY see Insomnia, I think I agree now. Sooooo much of the marketing focuses on Lucis, and it has a very specific vibe to it. For so little

I think my problem is that, what I felt were the “major” trailers (the initial FFXV reveal, Dawn, Omen) kind of set me up for a completely different experience than what we actually got. With a lot of focus on Lucis/Insomnia, Luna, Regis, and fantasy stuff, I kinda thought we’d spend more time on those.  

The Vietnamese?! Those are my people!

If it’s specifically about the Berseria “censorship”....ugh god are they being unreasonable.

What’d the community end up doing? Based on the Siliconera comments section, JRPG fans in the West are really strangely hostile and toxic. Bring up any mention of “censorship” of any kind and they will go BERSERK. Not sure what the Steam community did but hearing that a JRPG community was toxic isn’t surprising

I will say, it happened just enough for me to know what you’re talking about and be mildly annoyed at it, but not enough for me to like hate it

If you’re into Japanese games I still think it was a good year. SMT:Apocalypse, Fire Emblem Fates, DQ7, Zero Time Dilemma off the top of my head

Again, who’s chairman of the University board of regents expressly said he wanted Briles. Wasn’t a rumor that was started by Briles. Briles didn’t go and say “hey guess what, UH wants me” and then UH said “uh no we don’t.” So you were wrong on that point.

Exactly. The teens may have been naive...but the end result was, the dude said he’d pay them a certain amount and didn’t. That dude sucks. The correct response should be “hey you kids, let this be a lesson going forward....but you know what? That dude that stiffed you sucks majorly.”

No, the Houston thing had the Houston board of regents chairman saying, on November 30, “I would love for Art Briles to be on our super-short list.” That’s not Briles starting a rumor, that’s a higher-up at UH saying that he wants him there.