Nice! Now my PC copy doesn’t feel gimped anymore
Nice! Now my PC copy doesn’t feel gimped anymore
Haven’t followed all the DLC updates, but does that mean most characters available on consoles are now available on PC?
I didn’t like the 4th as much after reading how good it was, but Season 3 of LoK was legit amazing. The villains and everything was fucking top notch
JASON HOW DARE YOU THEY WOULD NEVER CANCEL DESTINY 2 oh wait this is a different type of report from Jason
Honestly just based on the pictures here this is the first thing I’ve seen that actually does make me want to try out VR
Still have 0 idea how well it would work and how feasible it even is but if Nintendo actually does figure it out this is gonna be fucking awesome.
Unless 1.0 FFXIV had level syncing, GW2 had level syncing first, AND GW2 level syncing is closer to what WoW has than FFXIV, but really neither of them are similar to what WoW is doing. In WoW the world scales to you. In FFXIV/GW2 you scale to the world.
I tried those a long time ago and I think for a while they put me off the whole series because the very first one (A Tear of Vermillion) was just so bad. I played the intro part and for some reason the same background track played for like over 2 hours. It was like a happy town track and then a character’s mom dies…
I really don’t see the similarities between the two besides I guess the backwards vault? DRG jumps are pretty different since they animation-lock you, and maintaining BotD and alternating 2 different 4button combos with positionals is very very different from anything DH has. I mean I guess if you really wanna zoom…
Really can't believe it took this long.
meet me in goldshire ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
DH is nothing like DRG (and DH has been in the Warcraft universe since FF11 was Square Enix’s main MMO). I guess Class Order Halls are like the FFXIV’s class guilds? But I don’t think I’ve ever been back to the class guilds after I hit level 30 and moved on to jobs. Certainly never been to the THM guild in Ul’dah…
For 6 years I played a single character. Made a Worgen warrior in Cata and literally that was the only character I played til the prepatch released. Made a Shaman using the 90 boost at WoD launch and literally never logged onto it.
I still love 1. It’s definitely very rough to look at (UI is straight out of 2007, maybe even earlier, graphics are meh) but I’m actually fine with the combat, and honestly, the story and vibe is awesome. I love the personality of Vizima.
Of course there will be, but I’m betting it’ll be a lot smaller. Seems like their thinking here was that the original September Day 1 patch was so significant that they were worried about people not having internet, and just said “if the day1 patch is this crucial to fixing things then maybe it needs to be part of the…
If you use more...illicit means with the Go it’s fucking awesome
I’m fine with FFXIV names. FFXV names lean wayyyyy too heavily on Latin
It opened in like 20 theatres total. Was definitely packed, but they only showed it once a day.
No real reason to watch ASAP unless you’re just really raring for FFXV content or it’s playing in a theatre near you.