
Nice! Now my PC copy doesn’t feel gimped anymore

Haven’t followed all the DLC updates, but does that mean most characters available on consoles are now available on PC?

So what’s different from the Nexus? Is it just a rebrand of the Nexus?

Hope he gets destroyed by a Dementor

Unfortunate accident but fuck that kid for running

This movie is completely unnecessary but I will say that wasn’t a bad teaser, got me way more intrigued than the 4th one

I didn’t like the 4th as much after reading how good it was, but Season 3 of LoK was legit amazing. The villains and everything was fucking top notch

fucking love mads

JASON HOW DARE YOU THEY WOULD NEVER CANCEL DESTINY 2 oh wait this is a different type of report from Jason

Honestly just based on the pictures here this is the first thing I’ve seen that actually does make me want to try out VR

Still have 0 idea how well it would work and how feasible it even is but if Nintendo actually does figure it out this is gonna be fucking awesome.

Or just use the phone normally?

You do realize those last ones, you don’t buy both, right? You only buy one. You can’t just have both of them connected at the same time. You’re also just listing generic international off-brand headphones that are still $70 with not great reviews

Also apparantly $160 is not overpriced for a pair of headphones that have not been released nor have much practical use vs the competition.

Yeah $150 for that is a looooot of money.

True wireless earbuds (the ones without the wires connecting them) are pretty pricey.

Yeah I wanna see what they do with Gen 2. Increased battery life, maybe a GPS for “Find my left Airpod” and “Find my right Airpod”? That’d be cool

These aren’t intended default. The intended defaults are included in the box.

That’s a single ear piece.