
Same. Based on the headline expected to see some crazy awful startup mayo but I was like “Just Mayo? I see that stuff everywhere!”

As someone who liked the movie this is far from anti-DC bias, it’s actually legitimate criticism that even I can get behind (especially the “don’t make the mission a supernatural mission” criticism).

That 1070 you got is something else tho and I think might be best value for money if one has the money for it. It seems the AIB 480s are coming this month in amounts of 100 000.

I know it’s a completely different game but setups like these at Games Workshop were why I really wanted to get into Warhammer Fantasy Battle

AiB 480s STILL aren’t really available, while AiB 1060s are? I was pretty on the hype train for the 480, got a reference 480 when it came out to go along with my new 1440p monitor, but performance wasn’t that great so I decided to splurge and get an AiB 1070, then I stopped following the new GPU releases. At that

Woah, didn’t even know it was coming out on PC! That’s pretty cool

People. Go play Starcraft Mass Recall. If you want to play the original/Brood War campaign, Mass Recall (a remake in SC2's engine) is WAY better than this will be.

Wait PSVue is available outside of the consoles now?

It still has 29 days left to go, so just remember that you’re probably going to be waiting well over a month (probably two or three) to get your doll.

So that’s 5 distinct FF Mobile games, no wonder I couldn’t keep track of them. Might try out Dimensions then!

There’s so many mobile games that I can’t keep track of which is already released, which is good, which isn’t, etc.

If people take issue with it...they’re wrong. That wasn’t a clickbait headline, you laid out a pretty convincing and well-thought-out framework that supports your headline.

I’m not super well-versed in all the PC strategy genres, so how similar is this to the tabletop game? I remember trying demos at Games Workshop and kinda getting into it

From everything I’ve heard the launch content is awesome. Paying $55~$70 for a month or two isn’t a bad investment

Normal Cheerwine is great! This sounds...not great.

Right, haven’t seen the movies so wasn’t able to accurately judge how similar they are. Was just commenting on the paragraph about the plot similarities between the two movies, and how like I could do that with BvS and Civil War (since the paragraph focused just on plot similarity and not tone/structure/theme)

1. Of all the movies that knock off other movies, seemingly as much or more than this, what pushed this one over the top that it won lawsuits (multiple if you account the appeals)?

Mostly just concern about the battery and if iOS 10 has a more adverse effect on how fast the 6 runs (also I’m on 16gb which was a terrible mistake). When the 7 comes out the 6s will be cheaper so that makes it a more desirable purchase, but overall it’s probably not much of a change

Thing is, I dunno if that actually works well for TV. TV’s strength is that (if it’s not an adaptation) you’re constantly working on it and it’s more open-ended. Having a set end-point isn’t necessarily always a good thing (see: How I Met Your Mother). A lot of the great shows like Breaking Bad weren’t planned out

Nothing about this makes me really wanna upgrade, ESPECIALLY the removal of the headphone jack. I mean, my 2 years with my iPhone 6 is up...but really not feeling this. Maybe I’ll upgrade to a 6s which should be cheaper?