On a very superficial “hot-take” level you could make the Newton/Subban = “brash, fun, young black player” comparison
On a very superficial “hot-take” level you could make the Newton/Subban = “brash, fun, young black player” comparison
From all accounts the only reason the relationship wasn’t healthy was because the management hated Subban for no reason (well, no valid reason)
Exactly. Up to like 2.3 it was pretty good but loooots of fetch quests. The HW MSQ does a much better job with pacing, and having your little traveling party made it feel so much like FF
That slow walk literally gave me chills. It was basically “remember the awesome slow walk in the opening cinematic with the Dragoon? Well now IT’S YOUR CHARACTER.”
Telling you man, Heavensward’s MSQ is amaze-balls. If you think that it’s an awesome FF now, just wait till you finish 3.3's MSQ.
Go back to Blizzard Watch!
Is she the one who does the voiceover in the Star Trek Beyond trailer? Very awesome voice, at first thought it was the actress for Catelyn in GoT
SLI 1060 against Crossfire Rx480? Apparently some (maybe all?) won’t even support SLI.
So many reports have been done that showed it’s not going to fry any MoBos. The fix is going to raise performance by like 3% while fixing the issue.
Overwatch is INSANELY well-optimized. It’s made to hit really high FPS with average cards
Just went through this since I’m considering getting the RX 480 (OK, I was considering, mine’s in the mail to be delivered today lol), and also was thinking of going from 1080p to 1440p. My main game to use was the Witcher 3, since that’s probably my most intensive game, but at some point I was like “wait you’re gonna…
Wow you are the most stubborn fool i met ever in a gaming site.
Just got this on PS3 since I had a coupon and it looked really good. Kinda mulling it over though....wait for the sequel to come out and play both when that comes out? Get Trails in the Sky FC and SC and play those? Play all three Zero Escape games?
Couldn’t have put it better myself.
Are you being the type of friend you want to be? Are you being kind? The way you talk about your friends does concern me a little. You say they helped you recover from a broken heart, but in the same breath you turn around and claim you’re always helping them figure out who to dump. You call them “entitled” and refer…
Definitely possible, and if so that’d be so awesome
I’d recommend it even just for the Heavensward main story (and if you can, through 3.3's story).
god the canadian teams have been dumbfucks today
Get on it! It’s really, really, really good.
Gilgamesh/Balmung are good but impossible to get on (unless you make a character on another server and then pay to transfer). I used to be on Behemoth a year ago and really liked it, it had a decent amount of people