
More JRPGs! As someone who prefers playing RPGs on a handheld over a console this is fucking amazing news.

Either way he looks dumb. At some point I was like “dude if you get it, stop responding. If you don’t get it....stop responding. Either way you look like a dumbfuck.”

My plan, when I have time, is to replay the SC1/Brood War port in SC2 then replay WoL and HotS, then play LotV, all in one shot. May have to up the difficulty in SC2 though, kinda miss the “you have to kill all 3 bases on this map and it’s gonna be haaaard” missions from the SC1 campaigns and I think the Normal

Maybe it’s just me but I’m kinda tired of Kanto at this point. If we’re getting ANOTHER remake of RBY I hope it’s less of a remake and more of a sequel, going through the same story in the same area a third time would be kinda boring.

Or you can just ignore them

And you have to do that in WoW too? What, oGCD’s don’t exist in WoW? You don’t weave oGCDs and GCDs in WoW?

I think that’s what Suramar Palace will be? They mention it won’t be like the dark citadels we’ve had in the past but a grand city, but I think (if my lore is correct) it might be a fancy ruin though

I definitely don’t think FFXIV is more complicated than WoW, and seeing as you haven’t played since Wrath that’s even more confusing since that was the era of the John Madden Feral

Isn’t that like entirely what it is? And honestly I don’t have a problem with that

Soooo amazing, and completely did not expect Sylvanas there

$130?! More expensive than other Blizzard CE’s but I guess there was a statue

Also Cho’Gall! A two-player hero! Probably won’t be balanced but that sounds wacky as shit haha

Probably in an hour when the Opening Ceremony starts

Probably in an hour when the Opening Ceremony starts

Well, he IS in both

It would also take like 3 years per episode haha

I see you’re covering your bases haha

Exactly. There was a ton of use of phrases like “discerning intellectual” and “twentysomething pretentiousness” and the like and I thought this was a parody article....but nope turns out it’s an author doing exactly what he’s trying to pretend he’s better then.

I’ve been so hyped to see this movie for a while. Even if it was Oscar-bait (which I was a bit worried it might) I still would’ve probably gone just because the cast was so strong. Good to hear it’s better than that