
Did you ever purchase something because its brand was on a tiny sticker on the side of a racing car?

I don’t get the lease hate here. If you think leasing is dumb or you don’t like the terms, you don’t have to lease. But it does work for some people.

welp, they’ve run out of bread, so the circuses are all they have left. 

Force is going to be very difficult to calculate, and it will vary throughout the course of the impact. What you need to know is how much energy the block has, and the sum of the areas under the force-deflection curves (which should look similar to a stress-strain curve) for the front of the bed and the back of the

Far larger than the original Mini” is like saying “far more intellectually stimulating than the Michael Bay Transformers saga”. There’s a lot of room there before it gets up to the level of everything else.

Yeah, I like to live in fantasy sometimes too. Trouble is, here in reality, your argument doesn’t hold up. Deporting them by force is incredibly expensive, not to mention about the least-safe way to deal with the problem. You know how much it costs to employ an army of ICE agents? Dimwitted jackboots are surprisingly

The straight math on the Bimmer is almost $450 a month for 60 months.