
It’s the ideal American business: produce nothing, have very little regulation on it, and force people to use it.

You can demand all you want, but this is the financial industry and they fucking OWN this country.

feels good to pretend the aapl’s and googl’s of this world wouldn’t dream of doing such things, does it

No silly, you have to reverse the station’s polarity!

The President responded to the incident by saying, “Screw those commie bastards, and screw their little wussy space station.”

He might mistook it as Nuclear attack from North Korea, fired back, and start nuclear world war 3.

Here’s to hoping that if this is brought to Trump’s attention, he doesn’t think China is attacking the Earth.

Crowd-sourced regulation...


I don’t think we should be too hard on Equifax executives. They are probably too busy selling their Equifax stock or shredding documents to have time to secure their website.

When I lived out west, some young men started a wild fire with their neglected campfire. They camped overnight, and then completely buried their dying campfire the following morning. Later that evening, a full 12 hours later, Santa Anna winds picked up and blew off the sand that covered their fire pit. The embers

The free market at work.

What pisses me off the most about this is that I never gave these guys my information, but they have it anyway. Anyone else recall ever sitting down and signing your information away to Equifax or Transunion? No? THEN WHY THE HELL ARE THEY ALLOWED TO HOLD ALL THIS INFORMATION ABOUT US?

Not giving a shit is the industry standard and has been for years. I can’t think of many major social media sites that take moderation seriously.

My dymaxion map surfboard

@brendolonius: OK, now my brain is trying to come up with the sorts of things a lighthouse might turn into if you feed it after midnight. It's going to be a surreal morning.

@kylynara: 1. Everyone's credit score would immediately tank. - No, but those who are networked with someone who has a low score would drop by just a little bit. Conversely, networking to someone with a good score would bring yours up just a bit. Nor must this factor necessarily by heavily weighted (that would serve

@Biduleman: I'll be your facebook friend... wait, can I see your credit score first?