
To be fair, he did warn us. On April 11, 2016, in Albany, Dipshit Donald said, “...we’re gonna start whining again! We’re gonna whine so much! ... We’re gonna whine so much, you may even get tired of whining. And you’ll say ‘Please, please, it’s too much whining. We can’t take it anymore ‘...” and so on and so forth.

Actually, since there’s a well-established market for buying space in celebrities’ wardrobes on the red carpet at major award shows, wasn’t it Chanel that was asking Streep to work for free, not the other way around? Streep has a valuable asset that lots of fashion houses wish to purchase; she was perfectly reasonable

Our nation has elected the bad guy from an 80's ski movie as president.

Jill Stein, of course, was at the same table. (But it was Flynn’s son, not Flynn, who was removed from the transition team.)

I don’t know why people keep saying the pipelines are a broken election promise, when literally he campaigned on getting pipelines approved.

We have a standard law like that in Canada. Recently a judge claimed he wasn’t aware of them because apparently being South African means you don’t need to read the Canadian Criminal code to become a lawyer then judge.

all hail president Tang

I am from Appalachia. I voted for Hillary. We aren’t inbred, we aren’t stupid (and a passing mention of irony of your bigotry to an exploited and demeaned culture). We are an historically exploited people, whose exploitation goes all the way back to King James 1 and the plantations in Ireland. The country has depended

Am I the only person who nearly had a brain hemorrhage reading that cushioned phrasing? It’s called child pornography. As far as I’m concerned, that banner pic is evidence of child abuse.

I just looked it up on my phone. Yeah, those should have raised at least one or two red flags.

I did the same thing and my internal WTF screaming is still reverberating in my head.

IIRC Canada’s internment was actually worse overall than the US version. After the war, your choices were to migrate East or go back to Japan from what I understand.

The Butlerian Jihad isn’t for another 8,000 years. That’s a long time to wait.

I feel like with what’s happening in the US, we’re been given a very clear warning of what could happen in Canada. You know that old saying, “when America sneezes, Canada gets a cold”? Yeah. I mean, just look at what’s going on inside the federal Conservative leadership race.

I was definitely thinking about Canada’s internment camps while reading this article too. Canadians like to act morally superior to Americans but this time we need to look in the mirror.

Here in Canada lots of people are still saying it couldn’t happen here or it has nothing to do with us. Meanwhile 22,000 Japanese-Canadians were also interned during WWII in Canada, including many people from right here in my town, people we know/knew and supposedly cherish.

Kristanna Loken, and only Kristanna Loken, will always be THE live-action Painkiller Jane for me.

Ostracism can work well as a motivator when one person is cut out of the group. Part of the problem with racists in America today is that they clump together in subcultures, reinforcing each other’s ideas. Many of them were likely raised that way, and see their own racist attitude reflected in everyone they love.

If you’re carrying enough water weight to produce tears, you’re too bloated for the runway fam.