
Guys, I don’t think you understand. George W. Bush’s paintings are FASCINATING. They’re really good. Like, this failure of a president has retreated into this quiet life of creating these painfully amateurish paintings that have this funny, melancholy quality. I would love to buy one. 100% serious.

Or he’s a stupid AND pedophile AND she’s crazy. Why not all three?

Unless they like her views. Then they’d probably refer to her as a “survivor”.

If we refused to watch any film or read any book or listen to any piece of music or look at any painting by anyone who got up to shady, morally reprehensible shit in their life we’d have some seriously limited choices. I can’t stand Woody Allen as a director, don’t know him as a man, but I also don’t condemn you for

“ethics shaming”

I yell that during ever family game night.

“... public schools, where one federal study found nearly 10 percent of students are targets of unwanted sexual attention by educators in grades K-12.” - from the original article

Adopting a minor in lieu of marrying her? Didn’t Ted Nugent think of that first?

And yet the US supports many such dictators, but Castro didn’t bow to their pressure so he is the one that everyone learned to fear because... uh, why?

Still avoiding the point, are you? Like I said, what speech limitations the US has had are not even comparable to the limitations that Castro’s regime had and has on Cuba for decades.

That’s true, and a level of free, high-quality education that puts the rest of Latin America to shame. But what does all that matter when your belly is rumbling from hunger?

Right, communism that came from the overthrowing of an actual dictator, enduring through embargo and political lockout. The steps to democracy are slow.

Oh. She's from Wisconsin? That fucking explains it. Assholes like Scott Walker don't get elected in a vacuum.

Just as most of the Cubans living in the US and crying about Fidel are the wealthy who were displaced by revolution. You know, banana plantations have owners that did well under the US-controlled regime.

Jezebel is really conservative— just not in the full fledged Republican sense.

This is a deeply uninformed asshole post, Khloe completely aside. Right-wingers in this country call Castro a dictator, but have you asked a Cuban?

That’s not how rocket propulsion works.

I scared my dog when I hollered at the TV when Wun Wun broke the fucking door down.

Paul Feig movies keep the quality scenes and plot devices out of the trailers. It will likely be hilarious and none of the jokes are in the trailer.

I get that some of the downvoting is definitely butthurt morons who hate that there are lady Ghostbusters however, that trailer is terrible. Like really really terrible. If I voted on Youtube videos, I’d downvote the shit out of it too. I like the idea of the film but watching the trailer was super disappointing.