Small Mexican ChiWowWow

I think it's more that Lynch blew most of the sfx budget on episode 8 (and thank God for that)

Agreed, although I think it does hold true for James' performance at the roadhouse

She was always shown to be clairvoyant in the original series, and that was pretty straightforwardly Windom Earle using that to speak through her. Which imo is not quite the same as straight up face peeling demon possession.

Yeah… I've basically accepted that the new series has mostly discarded the original's human element/connection, except (and not to denigrate this!) for flashes of "the passage of time has weighed heavily on this character." And of course the poignant antics of Cooper the walking vegetable.

Tom Breihan go on chapo

I've never gotten this idea. The theatrical version is Lynch's preferred cut, same with every movie he's released following Dune (except for a couple seconds of Wild at Heart, tbf). There's a reason the blu ray includes "The Missing Pieces" as a special feature rather than editing them back into the movie.

Yeah… There was an episode of the Twin Peaks Peeks podcast where thry wondered how much of Lynch's style and mystery were a product of editing, and posited that the getting the expanded 18 hour version of this story was seeing too much of how the sausage gets made.

Well, considering Dougie wasn't doing much in the way of catching, it's appropriate.

Ah, Faner hall. If true beauty comes from within, then that rat maze of a building is even worse than it looks.

Of course this is scientific fact, just check out this youtube video!


It's funny, I was shocked by the brevity of the scene and thought that things must be really coming to a head now if the pace is picking up like that.
Then we get Gordon's lady friend with the slowest exit of all time.

Someone (I think at Vox?) compared watching season 3 to flipping through channels in a world where every tv show is directed by David Lynch, and imo that scene felt like we had dropped in to the middle of a show that's actually pretty crappy.

Whoo! Now how many y'all like sex??

Christ, the Lynch-stanning around here is insufferable sometimes (and that's coming from someone with a Gordon Cole avi). Just because something is intentional doesn't mean it's good, even when it comes to Lynch.

I think they're the same world, since when Jade dropped Cooper's room key in the mail box, it showed up at the Great Northern hotel an episode or two later.

Is that guitar/synth riff from an existing song, or is it from the soundtrack?

Spare Parts is an all time great Who story, and not just by Big Finish standards

It can be two things rapists

I don't know what Allen did to get on Paul Atreides's shit list, but…