
Dear sir, I for one am deeply offended with how you refer to this man as part of a S’more. S’mores are awesome and bring together white, black, and tan together in a wonderful, harmonious union. This asshole is clearly the mayo of a mayo only white bread sandwich.

I did this with my three kids. Child 1 & 2 were no problem. Child 3 has her own mind. The lessons ended as she hopped off the bike, threw it to the ground, and hurled her helmet at me swearing she would never ride again.

Heineken and Stella Artois are what non-beer drinkers order at a bar when they are trying to impress people into thinking they are more sophisticated than Bud Light drinkers. And I gotta say, don’t listen to the people who say Heineken is so much better in Amsterdam. I fell for that shit last year. Its just as

Light or not, Heineken still tastes like a skunk’s ass.

I’d assumed that it was a note that said, “HELP” scrawled in blood.

That’s great, and I’m glad you had the card, but you shouldn’t need a card for the cops to treat you fairly.

But let a gay couple walk into a conservative white bakery and ask for a wedding cake and you will not see that same level of professional dignity.

I think we’re really reading too much into this. She’s wearing a white dress. She just didn’t want to get Cheetos dust on her hands.

I’m really sad for the USA. It was a great country that everyone here in Bulgaria used to dream about. Poor, Americans :/

I think they love and relish being assholes these days. It’s now an American virtue. The Asshole in Chief has given everyone free resign to ass it up, when he encouraged those “fuck your feelings” tee shirts at his rallies.

A city settled with Freddie Gray and no one was found guilty.

It wasn’t serious... lighten up.

A letter.

@islefan seems to be feasting from KellyAnne’s can of Alt-Truth spinach, amiright?

He claims he’s a public school history teacher, so you figure he’d know better. And yet, here we are.

(He also wrote, and I quote, “As a white Catholic male, I’ve faced discrimination everywhere since college in the 1980's.” So yeah.) 

The case of the Central Park 5 was infuriating enough without Trump shoving himself into it. Even worse, decades later when they were found innocent and released, he doubled down on his condemnation, saying in effect, “They would have done something to put themselves in jail anyway so they deserved that time there.”

hey everyone! check out this totally unbiased article from a site run by someone who once said that black people should be thanking white people for enslaving their ancestors!

If you’re going to post something as a counter-point to this “myth” you might want to sure make your evidence is slightly less biased.

4 wheels are for people who don’t travel much. Those wheels break off, take up extra room, and collect snow and gunk when rolled outside. They are neat and convenient, but when they fail they do so spectacularly.

4 wheels are for people who don’t travel much. Those wheels break off, take up extra room, and collect snow and gunk