
I usually can control myself with my celeb crushes, but I just can't with this one. He is just too god damn sexy.

OH SHIT that's serious! my dog is a monster swimmer so i just get worried that she's gunna get tired, but she's SO HAPPY when she swims, it's so cute.

Allow me to translate,

Do you live in New York? If not, trust me on this.

Darius Rucker will never not be called Hootie for me.

Well, that's just plain awful. As someone who was in the military, I can speak to the amount of damage all of this infidelity and drama do, and how much more prolific it is in the military compared to the civilian world.

I used to work at a small town newspaper and it was a great place for people who like crazy shit. Like, everyone always used to feel it necessary to call any time they grew what they felt was a abnormally large vegetable or found a weird looking animal in their yard. Sometimes they would bring it to the office

WOW. This is something. The Precious Moments figurine really makes it.

What do you want to hear about first?

Right after college I worked at a company that did, among other things, drug testing. The owner was retired DEA. A lot of my friends worked locally and at lunch we all congregated at our friend's work (which was just a single office inside an industrial warehouse space) and got high. One afternoon I got back to work

I had no idea I'd been approved since the last Kinja reform! As god is my witness I will be starring every work horror story hidden in the greys that I see. :)

Retail. Man comes into the store where I was working. Acts a little strange and shifty. I forget about him, because I have ordering to do. When I finished, I go to the back of the store to put some items away. Strange and shifty was on the floor with his pants pulled down. He was sucking his own penis.

So let me get this straight: law enforcement doesn't dare fight Clive Bundy and his thugs, but unarmed protesters and journalists get the full armed brigade treatment.

A friend of mine got told on the Fourth of July that her husband wanted a divorce. He blamed her for everything - she was too in to her career, she wasn't getting pregnant fast enough, and a bunch of other douche canoe things in a list that smelled, shall we say, fishy, from the beginning.

Other than basic updates & info, I just assume anyone who posts over the top happy stuff feels exactly the opposite. May be right, may be wrong. btw: great use of the word "sham".

Oh god, I would have gone for sure. I have an unhealthy obsession with goats, so much so I got one tattooed on my wrist a few weeks ago! There's a farm a few hours from my house where you can "adopt" a farm animal that was abandoned. I've convinced my best friend to adopt him for a year as my wedding gift that way we

Resting bitch face is real.

Step 9: Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

Having not watched any of these people, it seems like there's a weird, triangular dynamic in play.