This was excellent. Thank you.
Karen reeked of bullshit right away. Thanks for your take.
Why the hell would you assume that toiletries would “be sold on the streets”?
I got to hang out in the winners circle and meet Roger Penske a few years ago at LVMS. I had never been to a NASCAR race before and in retrospect it was a pretty damn cool experience. Brad Keslowski won that time too, both on Saturday and Sunday. In that race, Dale Jr led going into the last lap only to run out of gas…
I don’t know why everyone is saying this symbol originated on 4chan. It didn’t. This symbol has been in use since at LEAST the early 1980’s in California prison gangs and spread from there.
If you’re Mexican you don’t say “I’m a Mexican”. If you’re black do you say, “I’m a black?” No. Who says “a black”? Racist ass white people.
Go buy a new RC car. One of those brushless electric, li-po battery powered cars. Break it. Bash it. Fix it, do it again. You’ll learn very quickly how simple these are mechanically. Software development is a whole different thing of course, and the initial investment in developing your own proprietary system will…
Wouldn’t it be more effective if we did forget? I mean the terrorists kind of have their own holiday now.
Don’t forget Cannonball Titcomb, and Pickles Dilhoeffer.
Focus ST? Slight reliability issues?
Advice we can all probably use. Thanks.
Is this the same story from a few weeks ago? If not, I’m thinking that we’re going to see a massive meltdown of dealerships ala “Fargo” in the very near future. One of these stories is odd. Two is more than a trend as far as I’m concerned. When we hear of a third, well, I told you so.
The A’s, whom with which Donaldson played a number of years with, do not object to Cleveland trading for him. I wonder why that might be?
This article made me realize that no, I wasn’t kinda conservative as a young man, I’ve been a liberal Democrat from the womb.
Sounds about white.
This is a fantastic article HamNo. You get a lot of shit for some of the things you write, but this feels like it’s from the heart and it’s spot on IMO.
You can sum up this entire article with “(by American standards, anyway)