
"Stretchable Power Cables Mean Your Charger Will Always Reach the Outlet"

I see this as about as useful as the Cat Scanner from Radio Shack some umpty-ump years ago. Should cost about as much.

Weren't these advertised in the backs of comic books, right next to the X-Ray specs? Seriously, people bought these thinking they would do something?

It would take more than 3 measly prepackaged strips of bacon to work for Satan. 5 at least...

Flashblock for Firefox is sweet awesomeness!

Didn't General Grievous drive something like this?

Yeah, they are. From my experience, mostly email and game account theft plus credit card information. Just check your stories on Chinese Gold Farmers.

That looks *remarkably* like the spider creatures in the movie, "Lost in Space"...

Until the automatic sprayers come on to keep the fruit moist in the produce section.

I bought one just like it from Wacom some 7 years ago and it's still sitting in my junk drawer. It's pretty cool, but I really haven't had a use for it.

It's all a part of the new Kinect game "Salad Bar Sneeze Guard Revolution-Cooking Mama", which should do better than the "Butt-Wiper Tycoon" game coming out early next year.

I got the feeling that the Blackberry helped a bit.

Most people in my area who smoke don't use their ashtrays as it would remind them of how much they smoke. Instead, they throw their lit butts out of their window which ends up being one of the causes of fires in the summer. Sheesh, if they're going to act manly with sucking on a pack of Fags, then eat the lit

Feh. I have a better fix for blurry photos. It's called take another picture. Sheesh, a digital camera with 16Gb of memory. You can take a few more when in doubt.

I call shenanigans at the moment. I have to pay to get on a petition?

Scotty: Six months I've been here, living off Starfleet protein nibs in the promise of a good meal! And I know exactly what's going on here. Punishment, hm, isn't it? For something that was clearly an accident! Look, I know you're only doin' your job, but could you not have come a wee bit sooner?

Feh, we did that back in 1980 by hooking up a exercise bike to an Atari 2600 with an Enduro cartridge.

This would have some merit if I were to install Win8 on a system that already had Vista from 3 years ago or Winxp from 6 years ago. But I'm sure these are brand-new systems. So running faster is kind of moot.

THANK YOU!!! I've only been saying this for what, 20 years? I remember when everybody at my work swore up and down that Vista was going to be Second Coming.