Michele Mouton. She won 4 WRC rallyes, was vice world-champion in 1982 (only Walther Röhrl was faster) and has a class win in Le Mans under her belt.
If he does that "aged" style then, obviously he should paint us a manual, diesel, rotary brown wagon with a heavy patina.
Ask him if he likes Huey Lewis and the News.
Whoever votes Crack Pipe drinks bong water for a living.
K cars were
First, Orange is the coolest color on the planet, so that's a big plus for the Olds. The Buick has the fantastic LT-1 engine, though- the one I used to smoke Trans Ams on thr Tri-State Tollway with, so nostalgia and my right foot take me to the Buick.
Awesome, this happened to my good friend Chad, who shot the video and rear ended the cop. I was about 4 cars back and saw it happen, the cop was harassing people for 3 miles down I-526 and Chad had enough and decided to pass him, then the cop went uber crazy and well, you see the result. The cop was going 45-50 in the…