
I don’t know, if my daughter almost died because she won’t stop doing cocaine, and got back with her boyfriend who apparently enabled it, I wouldn’t be a fan of his either. She might be speaking out about it because she doesn’t know what else to do at this point.

A good thing to see after reading/hearing all of these brave, gruesome statements:

She’s so giraffe-like I’m surprised one of her brothers hasn’t tried to hunt her.

If you’re feeling “badgered” to propose after five years of dating, you were never going to propose. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to get married to someone or to anyone ever but cut marriage-minded folk loose.

Because there are plenty of people who are, likewise, working 60-80 hours a week and are unable to feed their family and save.

Taxing the wealthy is not stealing. Income inequality is stealing. You are dead wrong. Countries that have a robust social safety net have nowhere near the homeless problem we have. People are malnourished here and the programs you speak of are woefully underfunded. This is only going to get worse and people will be

The thing is, it’s not even taking their wealth, it’s taking excess wealth. The difference in Jeff Bezos’ quality life if he has $100 billion or $8 billion is pretty much nonexistent. That’s what all the MAGA’s seem to miss. If you want to claim America was great in the 1960's (gracefully sidestepping the civil rights

redistribution doesnt mean literally just giving rich people’s money to poor people. redistribution could be reducing taxes on the bottom few brackets and increasing it on the top bracket. that’d to nothing to reduce the incentive for poor people to work, and nothing to reduce the incentive for rich people to keep

This. Most people have no idea how much more money the really rich have than the rest of us. If we raised the tax rates to 1970 levels, we could solve a lot of social problems, but then, the rich would have to part with a lot of their hoard, and since they now own the U.S. government, and quite a few others, it’s not

Good god, the fact that you actually believe that is what will doom us.

I like how when taxes are cut for the rich and we criticize it, we all get yelled at about how “it’s not a zero-sum game!!”

I appreciate your vulnerability in writing all this.

Amen. I’m sickened and scared, too. It seems law enforcement and society at large thinks domestic violence is a big fucking joke. Case in point, the first person replying to you is making total joke of your post.

So if the whole “being with Robin Thicke” scenario wasn’t bad enough simply because he’s Robin Thicke but she’s like half his age too which just adds to the creep factor.

Bless your heart.

You need to just take the L and move on.

I am done with calling out the actresses on this shit. Call out the magazine, the conglomerate who owns the magazine, etc. This is not her fault. We’re playing games with women who want to help because they arent 100% perfect meanwhile people are getting away with rampant discrimination, assault etc.

My two cents: there is no such thing as a Nazi sympathizer. If you have a group of people consisting of one Nazi and six of his sympathizers, what you have is seven Nazis.

I’m not saying it’s impossible that pleasant cultural exchanges, friendly sporting events, and consensual affairs took place within a colonial system that was also filled with horrors and injustice. But to solely depict the good without depicting the bad is to tell a lie of omission. And if you think I’m making a

“so they don’t lose a bunch of juice during the sealing process”

That’s relatively impossible. The “juice” we think of with regards to steak is trapped inside and between cell walls. The amount of squeezing necessary to force it out isn’t coming from a vacuum sealer. (Think more blender, or rocket sled)  The liquid you

“so they don’t lose a bunch of juice during the sealing process”

That’s relatively impossible. The “juice” we think