
Maybe a few are implying “slutty” but most are saying she’s disrespectful and uncouth. Which she is. Imagine a white male staffer in the same pose with his feet on the Oval Office couch in a room full of black educators. It’s still bad optics. That’s not how you sit in a dress in a formal setting. Wear a pant suit if

You might also try adding oil to your moisturizer. Hand mixing in a few drops of oil (anything from a fancy facial oil to basic carrier oils from a health food store like jojoba or rose hip will work)  can make your moisturizer as rich as you need it to be. This is also a good tip for people whose skin is drier in

You might also try adding oil to your moisturizer. Hand mixing in a few drops of oil (anything from a fancy facial

It depends on what type of serum and moisturizer you’re using and what needs you have. While most serums are moisturizing, that’s not their primary purpose. Ideally serums should deliver skin-beneficial ingredients (like vitamin c or retinol) that you’re either not already getting in your moisturizer or aren’t

It depends on what type of serum and moisturizer you’re using and what needs you have. While most serums are

“Denied access” is a joke, really, only slightly less of a joke than Spicer’s briefings have been. Being denied the ability to ask questions he won’t answer isn’t a big deal.

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.

Oh wow, you went to another country and they wouldn’t conform to your desires and put a hockey game on. What a horrible country.

First of all, I’m not stupid enough to think that anti-semitism had disappeared from the earth. This was a very visible crime, probably committed because of the current political climate. The fact that anyone would do this, on this scale, and believe they could get away with it is what shocks me.

Just remember: they felt all the other awful shit he said about racial minorities, Muslims, women, and LGBT people was just a matter of “free speech”. Apparently this is the thing that was too “offensive” for them and where they felt the need to draw the line in the sand, where they felt the need to “infringe upon his

Interestingly enough they were apparently super cool with all his racism, misogyny, and transphobia. They had no problem when he called a Black woman an ape, or when he doxxed and risked the lives of trans women. They had no problem when he went around making false claims that trans women are just predators in

A month in, there are still days when someone on the news puts “President” and “Trump” together in a sentence, and I think, That didn’t actually happen, right? Because the reality of it is still just too ludicrous.

Current wife of 15 years and no children (and we’re still like high schoolers who can’t get enough of each other) - Have not noticed any change in feeling for me. She lost 100 pounds and it has improved for her.

At first, and then I decided to stand (I have a standing-desk) with my legs wide apart and let Mr. Gravity do whatever he wants to my fucking labia. Excelsior!!

I actually don’t mind sponsored posts, but this one kind of seems to go against what Lifehacker generally stands for. Feel like I have read a ton of Vitals article rightfully telling us not to treat granola bars like health food automatically without looking at nutrition. Or unrelated to the sponsored product itself,

There is a difference between “it is safe” and “there’s no evidence that it’s unsafe” ...

This is really interesting, because corporations are not moral actors. I’ve been paying attention to commercials (sociology major, can’t help it), and I’ve noticed that advertisers are still using same-sex and interracial couple and families and gender bending in their commercials. That’s really significant to me, it

i used to have strong feelings toward my dad, who pretty much did the same thing.

but somewhere along the way i realized that it’s not really the fault of a man trying to raise two young boys in a city he didn’t really care for, which he had no family of his own in, (it was all my mom’s family), and didn’t have a way

It warms my heart, too. Don’t let your past dictate your future.

A 23 year old white woman is a girl? This is sexist and racist. See Tamir Rice being considered a threat for playing by himself. See Richard Spencer being called a “young man” just figuring out his views in life. Don’t feed into this narrative. She is an adult woman. She is complicit until she comes out in opposition

I’m so sorry for your losses (both of your mother, and then of your father, for all intents and purposes). I’m glad you are focused on taking care of yourself.

I’ve found that being a good parent to my children has eased the pain of my own childhood because I can objectively see how wrong my parents were.