
Why would you ungrey this piece of garbage? check out their comment history. Just dismiss this kind of asshole- it’s not worth engaging with them.

She didn’t make him look stupid. An idiot calling an idiot an idiot has no value. If an overweight person calls you fat does it carry weight? Nope. If a middle aged man living in his mom’s basement calls you a loser do you care?

Idk. All i know is if this was a Black girl acting like this no one would care.

I suggest reading up on how to use apostrophes.

Am I the only one disappointed by this? I mean, every time celebs who said they didn’t want kids decide to get prego, I get a little sad.

But honest question, what are we going to do about it? What are the next steps here? I feel like we are shouting into a void about federal law and ethics and its making me very tired.

The First Lady position is basically the epitome of “women do the emotional labor in relationships” bullshit. She’s supposed to keep the social calendar, keep the house running smoothly, and he there to support her husband both publicly and privately...and she has to take four unpaid years out of her life to do that

Karlie, there’s no need to pose. Please stick to the videos and songs that you’re used to.

I know Sean Spicer (not well, but I do actually know him) and mutual friends have said this is taking a huge toll on him mentally, psychologically and physically. He never liked Trump, no one at the RNC did (I worked there, don’t kill me, I’ve changed my ways), they’re just working for him because that’s why a lot of

Non-disabled people are fucking ridiculous. They expect disabled people to be helpless shut-ins who are incapable of independence or variation amongst each other.

You are welcome. In this, the darkest timeline, we need all of the laughter we can get!

I would give a guy shit for cheating on her about 10 seconds after his transplant scar healed and continuing to do so for years until she filed for divorce, then dicking her around in court for two years to try to give her as little money as humanly possible. George Lopez is a scumbag.

Oh, God. I needed that this morning! George Lopez can fuck himself with the entire dialysis machine he would have needed if he hadn’t gotten a kidney from the wife he subsequently dumped.

Third rule in Latino families: leave your wife after she donates her organs to you.

You lost me at being at the gate 25 minutes before boarding/departure. Isn’t the general rule to be there an hour before? Thought that’s in the US. International might be diff.

On your other notes, I totally agree that unbundling is a travesty. There is a market to present one price and you get all this stuff. It’s a

I’m going to just say this again. Please don’t ungrey the trolls. Even if well intentioned. Drawing attention to how stupid they are by ungreying them sin’t going to fix anything. If anything it derails meaningful conversation because everyone focuses on calling out the troll that before you know it he’s at the top of

Lots of people have outdoor dogs in rural areas where there are no leash laws. It is more feasible to keep dogs and cats outdoor than, say, a gerbil or snake, since dogs and cats are smarter and bond with the owner.

3. Daughter can work part time during school. It didn’t kill any of us who did it, and won’t kill her.

I don’t know what they’re situation is, but it reeks of privilege (with just a hint of ‘back in my day’).

3. Daughter can work part time during school. It didn’t kill any of us who did it, and won’t kill her.