
Yeah, it was a bunch of 5-10 year olds who overwhelmed adults so badly they just had to give out participation trophies for peewee sport...

“Waaaah! I’m whining, but you’re the snowflake. Waaaah! I can’t handle opinions that are different than mine, but you’re the one who needs a safe space. Waaah! I’m a wimpy beta, but I called you a cuck so that makes me a real man. Waaah! Waaah! Waaaaaaah! I spent the last 8 years calling the President a muslim and

3. Daughter can work part time during school. It didn’t kill any of us who did it, and won’t kill her.

I don’t know what they’re situation is, but it reeks of privilege (with just a hint of ‘back in my day’).

This is an insanely frustrating response. You do realize that a lot of opportunities and connections are foreclosed to people who follow your advice, right?

3. Daughter can work part time during school. It didn’t kill any of us who did it, and won’t kill her.

Just because you have not seen any of the evidence (due to it being classified) does not mean that the evidence does not exist.

There are also statutes of limitations which limit the amount of time in which to prosecute for most offenses except murder.

Since Jane who very much is an ignorant slut dismissed my comment, I’ll repost it here:

They are all over-arching their lower back and serving their butts like cats about to be mounted. That’s “#mammalian lordosis” not “#bootyfordays.”

ok. no one should be with the weeknd. ever. he is not bf material, and i think you know this, BELLA AND SELENA.

You might want to avoid all medical texts, then: individuals of any age or existence are regularly removed from context, referred to in terms like “patient”, “participant”, “cadaver”, “subject”, and only discussed in regards to factual relevance of the topic with no concerns of their personal potential, dreams, or

Lifehacker is, at the end of the day, about improving your life through more information. Whether you are for or against abortion, knowing the medical facts and real-world experiences is exactly that. And perhaps for your life right now knowing this isn’t important (and maybe it never will be), but that doesn’t make

It must’ve been brutal when those armed men barged into your home/office/mother’s basement and forced you to click on this link.

Every time there is an opportunity to lay bare his incompetence and fundamental indecency, and to point out the behavior rendering him unsuitable for public office, I will do it.

If I had at least $4 million to spend on my wedding, I would do something additional with my hair...

I don’t make a habit out of drinking unfiltered tap water either although that fact doesn’t bother me. I don’t know why the idea of eating snow gives me the dry heaves but it does, and I don’t understand the impulse. That said, if I was in a survival situation, I’d munch down.

He’s my representative!!! And as you get on the interstate in downtown Atlanta, there is, in fact, a huge mural of his face with the word “HERO” above it.