
Yeah, you have to make sure you get the fiber. I don’t recommend it as a meal replacement or anything; it’s not meant to satisfy the appetite, although it can. It doesn’t hurt to provide a lot of plant nutrients. The body can decide what to use. (And this isn’t a “megadose” as I understand the term. If you can

Now playing

Yeah, Keith Olbermann has been saying something similar for a while now:

Good. No one associated with anything traditional should be anywhere near his ass to sully themselves. Everything about this inaugeration - and this presidency, really - should have to be harder for him than it has been for previous presidents just to ram home the point that this presidency is not normal.

Unless a law was passed prohibiting Shkreli’s twitter usage this is not a 1st amendment issue, this is a company turning off a microphone THEY own when you start using it to harass someone.

How strange. The society in Brave New World is not, at its base, a political one. It is a biological one. The human creatures engineered by the government are conditioned to act in particular ways, in order to fill certain necessary roles.

Trade all liberty for stability is not socialism, it’s oligarchy or fascism.

From what I’ve seen of the show and press for it, the whole business is very pro-women. It isn’t anti gay, but she’s trying to create a safe space for women to get lit and get spoiled. Specifically black women. Her Twitter comment just backs that up, you’re welcome to come through but she didn’t make this for men.

You mean media spin one tiny paper with maybe 40 test subjects into a huge story & everyone thinks is true. Instead of clearly explaining results they need to make easily tweetable headlines. So “Peanuts will kill your kid” is easier fit in a headline that “In a small sample of children, with a family history of

Is there a reason why this it’s so hard for some people to keep obvious trolls in the greys? If you don’t want a conversation derailed by trolls, don’t respond to them.

Set up a corporation, “hire” yourself, “match” your personal 401k contributions up to 54k. Voila.

I don’t think Roof should be executed.

The $450 annual fee takes a big chunk of the bonus. It is still a good card if you travel internationally a great deal.

Nobody gives a shit about you.

That does not sound like weed.

That same “friend” also vague-posts about needing trust in a relationship and when you ask them about it, they “don’t wanna talk about it”. Then the next week their boyfriend/husband is their KING and they are SO BLESSED.

That’s probably it - if rich parents are paying for everything, they feel entitled to control everything, including the guest list. I mean, if he could only invite a handful of people...that’s gonna be difficult!

It’s not strange and I wouldn’t take it personally. Weddings have limited budgets, you don’t know how many distant relatives ‘just had to’ be invited (via the new in-laws)... So yeah. She might not have been able to include a lot of ‘plus 1s’, if any.

Yeah, this made me roll my eyes. I expect someone like Britney Spears to lip-synch or at least sing to a backing track, because, while she has a serviceable singing voice, she’s more of a performer than a singer. She’s up there dancing like crazy, doing all these acrobatic things...and it’s very difficult to sing well

It seriously makes no difference to you whether your favorite artist performs at a concert you attend, or just moves their mouth and pantomimes the thing? Like if Eric Clapton just pretended to play guitar, that’d be just as good as hearing him actually perform his art?