
Who invited her?

I’d like to share something embarrassing and kind of gross from my week, if I may: I had a tooth that’s been a little shithead for years, and it finally got an abscess that meant it needed to go. I’m scared to the point of visibly shaking at any dentist appointment, but I was down with this procedure because this

You absolutely must live in Atlanta.

I prefer to be young and go out and enjoy myself while also putting some money aside. I think it’s depressing when people just stay miserable because they have a crippling fear of affording the future. Also, I like my job and can do it until the day I die, so maybe that helps.

Congratulations - no one cares, you pretentious turd.

Apparently I am “Damn! Woke AF”. However, I have no idea what this word means, don’t care to, and I already hate it and am so very over seeing it.

“Everybody’s talking about being woke.” No, they aren’t. People you know are. The other 7 billion people on the planet aren’t.

I’ve been retired for almost a decade. Let me tell you my advice for saving during your working years, including the spending or investing of surplus money.

Well, it’s in popular song. Gonna happen. back in the late 80s, when it started happening, we predicted it. And here it is. Once the N-word became “okay for some people” that line became very fuzzy. And here we are.

Different organizations recommend different things. Minimum for benefits = 6mo, maximum = 5yrs. Also it’s way cheaper than formula.

I think at that age it’s more of a mother/child bonding thing. I try not to judge but I would sure as hell would want my boobs back by that stage.

Why is this not the top comment? Oh right because it’s Jezebel and laughing at other’s ignorance is the most important thing.

But I don’t find him handsome? Maybe I am super human and I am using my powers for evil instead of good.

This never turns out well Miley or maybe it just didn’t for me. The second breakup was way worse than the first.

White tourists do this all the time in the Caribbean. That lady made at least $50-$70 plus tip so good for her. He won’t have to bother taking those out, they’ll be gone by the time he wakes up tomorrow.

The thing to remember, I believe, is that Jewish people, Blacks, Asians, have need of sites like this because, depending on where they live and/or work, their may be only a small pool of people with similar interests, education, or life goals that are similar who also are of the same race or ethnicity. So using a

I don’t think a press conference the next day would be appropriate because Ms Philippines should have her moment. I think they definitely could have called them both backstage and had someone announce what happened, remove the crown backstage and then send them both back out and crown the right person so she didn’t

In 2016 I’m going to finish my cancer treatment (I know, I know; buzzkill. I’m so tired of being The Cancer Lady!). Two more rounds of chemo, then surgery, then possibly radiation. Kicking breast cancer’s evil, weaselly, mur-diddly-urderous ass to the curb 4eva is my primary resolution for 2016.

Going out is stupid. Drunk drivers galore! No thank you.

Thank you for being a good person on the internet! Look everyone, people apologize on the internet!