
Those aren’t sick burns. They are just crazy.

Doesn’t Kim call Rob Kardashian fat on the regular? Everything I learn about her—even as I actively avoid Kardashian news—signals she’s an unstoppable asshole.

Well, *that* escalated quickly.

... I’m sure you’re joking. Because I change my kid’s diaper all the time despite having talked a bit naughty with my husband, because it turns out that dirty bedroom talk doesn’t prevent someone for caring for an infant.

Oh please. The kid was Black. Future thug. Into killing others, for sure. Now, this nice fella? He was just protecting unborn babies.

Um, maybe you’re the thirsty one David Spade. Nobody gives any sort of fuck what you think about basically anything.

Original Tweet from an account now deleted. #misinformed and #dismissed

Hadn't thought of that. It’s an appropriate response either way!

Ah, I can see that. And either way, Teigen gave it the response it deserved.

I think the Penis Pasta book would be a great gift for a son, if he were gay.

The United States: A country without a single public museum dedicated to the history of slavery, but numerous museums and memorials dedicated to the glorification of slavers.

Your comment is laced with misogyny and seriously backward ideas of parenting and marriage. Parents who send their kids to daycare/preschools are still raising their children. Go back to the 1920s with your bs.

Going from a $500k house to a $150k house denotes a class change as well as a zipcode change. That means a worse neighborhood most definitely and worse schools most probably. Yes, you’re regaining some disposable income or being able to stay home or both. But this example completely discounts what you’re losing. This

She didn’t understand that there was another way. If they would just move to a $150,000 house and downgrade her car to a Honda Civic, she probably could stay home!

So, supporting a d-bag like Trump will get you in the proverbial doghouse permanently, but taking blood money from one of the worst dictators in Africa is merely a fuckup? I remember a time when artists were called out and hounded by liberal media, for performing in South Africa during the Apartheid years. In the age

Tim Gunn is my co-pilot.

She’s a tool, not a plant. The goal is to deconstruct every effective mechanism for advancing racial equality enacted over the last few centuries, and there is a never-ending wave of young, privileged kids raised to believe that there is something fundamentally wrong in any system where a black person can do better

Stop trying to act Beyoncé. Please. Just stop.

Unless her sons are in college and math majors, she overdid.

I got married at 25, before I was finished school and set in full employment (my wife was, though). My life before marriage and my life after is pretty much exactly the same, except I get to do all the stuff I wanted to before and wake up next to my favourite person in the world.