
I’m of her age, and cheering for it. Age is no excuse to be a bigot. She’s just an entitled, hypocritical person, and always has been. I’m just amazed that anyone ever thought any different of her.

This person is profoundly unlikeable to me.

She’s a self proclaimed conservative. And it’s clear that she wants rights and acceptance just for herself. The larger population be damned.

Sometimes I see all the richness of life spreading out like magic. And sometimes there are stories like these and everything crushes in and the reality of what some people are going through just swallows me.

Incontrovertible proof of why everyone should be Team Dog.

Am I alone in thinking Mindy hates that she’s brown?

I like Mindy a lot but her relationship with BJ just seems so unnecessarily “dramatic” and “complicated.” From what I gather she wants a somewhat traditional monogamous and exclusive relationship with him and that’s not what he wants. Happens all the time. I just don’t get why they both don’t move on...instead of

She’s not my hero. She drove drunk and is choosing to make light of her punishment instead of accepting the consequences.

There’s a Tara in every college class. She never shuts up about how crazy she is.

Before the comments dissolve into angry cries of “we don’t need to be forgiven” (which, don’t get me wrong, is a fair point), it should be pointed out that this is a step in the right direction. If priests can absolve the sin, then it is in a sense less serious. If it is less serious, then it will be more acceptable.

Ha. For a split second I thought the cat did it on purpose. So less “hero cat” and more “unlucky cat”? #teamdogwouldhavecaughtthatbulletinherteeth.

People should totally look into altruistic kidney donation! Operation-wise it’s safer than childbirth, and you’re totally good to go with one kidney and at the top of the transplant list if your remaining kidney ever bites the dust down the road. Your donation can set off a chain reaction of donations (the matching

Six years ago today I was working in Kenema, Sierra Leone. We heard the news of his death on BBC radio. The whole town was sharing the news. I was surprised that his popularity made it all the way to that rural village. I miss him.

acquitted on all counts because the kids (and his families) story had more holes in it than Swiss cheese.. but yeah pedophile it is because you said so.

Wow, way to miss the points completely, and completely disregard how fucked up “the case” above is.

Zendaya seems to have her head on straight. I like this young lady a lot.

That’s a load of bullshit right there. The anger is not at monogomy, it’s at liars. People who trick their partners in to believing they are in fact in to one partner and only one partner. This isn’t about people not being progressive, open minded or whatever else garbage is currently tossed out. In fact, it’s the

No one is forcing these people to commit to a monogamous relationship. They're grown ass adults who actually do have a choice in what actions they take. Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous relationships, and plenty of people who aren't decide not to be in one. No one is forcing anyone to cheat.

“His dying on the cross then absolves me of my sin now” is not the same as “my sin now put him on the cross then.”

I’m not shoving a bar of soap up there but proper hygiene dictates you give it the once over with a little soap.