
What a humorless self-righteous lot we have here. Let’s see, the original article came about due to numerous CELEBRITY nannygates. NOT the lives of everyday working people. Plus the advice given wasn’t serious. Context. It matters.

Every day he wakes up, studies for his accounting exams, and thanks God.

OK I’ll say it. I would do Neil deGrasse Tyson all day every day. In the planetarium. On a replica spaceship. Wherever. All day.

Now playing

What happened to Khloe? One moment she was saying that men who go after minors are disgusting, now she’s condoning her teenage sister going out with an older man because she’s a “special case”? Just because she’s a rich and famous teenager doesn’t mean she should be living her life like an adult. Amber was right. The

1.) I rather liked the little bit of Mike she added when she was dancing on the stairs.

I’m surprised he hasn’t acidentally killed anyone (that we know of). Giving people downers without their knowledge sounds like a dangerous game. I doubt he asked if they had any drug allergies or were on any medication that might interact with the stuff he gave them. What is the statute of limitations on reckless

Christ, no- at twenty five you are at peak hotness. There’s nothing wrong with 30 or 40 either. I don’t know who Grace and Frankie are, but grown women are living fully developed lives all over the place. I will check out the show if you think it is good.

Maybe I'm romanticising the past, but I feel like I remember a time when this site was a valuable resource for feminism and feminist issues as opposed to a cesspit for hateful, sexist, hypocritical horseshit and ad hominem attacks masquerading as journalism.

IUDs do not work for me and caused me an insane amount of health problems. The article fails to mention that MOST women get bacterial vaginosis after the insertion of an IUD. If you are unlucky like me, and 3 of my girlfriends, you will wind up with round after round of a seemingly uncurable BV that oscillates between

Mo’Nique was asked to comment, in light of Lee Daniels saying that she was “blackballed” in Hollywood. Cuz SHE just got an Emmy nod, but he didn’t.

30 seemed like a big deal at the time, but in retrospect my 30s were pretty damn great. After that, I actually really looked forward to my 40th and have enjoyed my 40s so far. It’s fine to fret now, this is America (I assume you’re here) and it’s all about youth, but I think you’ll get over it. Eventually you may just

“That’s the reason this buff Negroid Amazon keeps dominating this classic sport, white people. Don’t worry. Normal cute white athletes would be killing it out there if they decided to become the double-muscled clydesdale that this black chick is, but we have smart trainers who made sure they stay small and fuckable.

Greatness. Pure greatness. She inspires me and countless other little black girls to not be ashamed of our bodies, our strength, our hair, just fucking everything. The Williams sisters are by far my favorite athletes and are some of the best in their sport. People will talk shit, some deserved, but she is the best.

Well, it seems to have worked for her so thanks for your support and much needed judgmental contribution. Not.

Well, that’s just tough. I think we should all put our collective feet down over this. Condoms are fantastic for us, and frankly men should be humble and grateful enough to use them. I’m sick of having to have my hormones modified and turning into a human pincushion just so someone can get his rocks off. Also sick of

I’m probably in the minority here, but I do wish we could move away from the whole ‘love is dead’ hyperbole thing. It gets dragged out every time some celebrities break up and 99% of the time no one is surprised. It also tends to lose its punch the twentieth or thirtieth time one sees it. Also, I’m sick so I’m super

Prediction: Hamm will be married to a much younger woman, and become a father within a couple of years.

I need to learn your ways, because her apology makes me angrier than the act itself.

what in the actual fuck? “i lick donuts in bakeries because i’m concerned about our national obesity epidemic?”