
“Hideously offensive?” are you kidding? Using an outdated term is politically incorrect, but I’d say that’s mildly offensive, at most. It’s not like she said “crippled” or “lame”, jeez...

The best thing about this is that you KNOW if Michelle Obama did that she would never live it down. The privilege of just trying some persona on for fun is real.

She kicks you, you kick back. Law of the playground extends to air travel as well.

Mitsubishi is on there and Nissan is not? Are they smoking crack? I've owned many of each.

I’ve yet to see you miss an opportunity to slam Barack. Congratulations on your diligence, though it must be exhausting.

Remember that time, she called herself mom in chief and white feminists tripped over themselves trying to come for her, and then they were met with clap backs heard round the world? Good times

This is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry you’ve felt that way. It took me years of trying to have a baby. My daughter gave me a card today that she made, it says “My Mom is the best because she wished for a baby & it was me” it had a crayon drawing of me at the table with a birthday cake & candles making a wish. I did wish

LOL @ people claiming to hate Popeyes. You’re either a vegetarian or a liar.

It’s not “starving”. It’s “getting hungry enough to finally eat”, and I’m all in favor of it. Parents who coddle their children by allowing them to only eat chicken nuggets and Go-gurt are raising the future Worst People In The World.

“Get ready for comments like “kids should eat whatever is served to them or starve!””

That solved your problem? Really?
“Well then how come you’re allowed to not eat gross things and I’m not?”
“Because I’m an adult and when you’re an adult you get to make those decisions for yourself, but right now you’re still a kid and kids have to do what their parents say because they know what’s best for them.”

Kids should be required to at least try anything before they reject it because “it looks funny,” though. I don’t agree with making kids eat everything they hate, but they damn sure shouldn’t get to sit in their plain-hamburgers-with-ketchup-and-maybe-plain-cheese-pizza comfort zone all the time (I’M LOOKING AT YOU, MY

Why the snark?

There is only one way I could become legally ‘single’ and I have to wait until God grants me that gift.

My mom tried to run me over with her car at Christmas and I have only spoken to her once since then. And somehow I feel like the piece of shit in this whole situation.

this reads like such a typical “social justice warrior” BS post.

I don’t know about you, but I reject all unnecessary luxuries. “Pamper” myself? Piffle. I never eat out; I make all of my own meals from lentils I’ve grown myself. Nice clothing? Some people don’t even HAVE clothing, you heartless yuppie. I make my own dresses out of discarded newspapers I find on the metro. I don’t

I like to think they dropped a comma and it says “keep it, pretty please.” As in, keep these terrible lifestyle sites on your Pinterest pages where they belong, Reese (and Blake). Pretty please?

Beyonce’s dress was bad. As was Kim’s and JLo’s. There I said it.

Perfectly adorable and seemingly wonderful human male who has saved lives and is still attractive loses his hair and masses and masses of women (and men) instantly feel the need to comment about how uuuuuuuuh-gly he is as if he had some sort of royal duty to Rogaine for them. People on this site should know better.