
My Grandma died yesterday morning, my Saturday, I am so very very sad but I still haven't cried and I don't know why. This is a photo of her about the time I was born, I was the first grandchild and always made to feel extra special because of it.

Men don't get it because they move through the world (usually) from a place of inborn superior upper body strength, & very often taller height, than women in general, & some other men. They're often seeing the world from a position of looking down at others, while many women are looking up all the time. When you're

This seems to be something that men just do not get- the fear of further injury/murder.

I had a stillborn full term baby, and I do not get it at all. I don't understand how that could happen. The hospital helped me pick out a nearby funeral home and sent the body there. And then we picked out a casket and a burial plot. Or we could have had her cremated, which is a fine choice too that is much less

I have been waiting FOREVER for people to get on the Rihanna worship train and I am so glad and that I have found someone with equal enthusiasm for her amazing.

... Your religious beliefs are an excellent reason to dispose of your body exactly how you see fit. I get that there's a lot at stake here, but it's still their body. Nobody is entitled to another person's body parts, especially if the donation would violate something as important to that person as religious beliefs.

"My student loan debt is through the roof, but it's cool...I don't own the roof."

You, clearly. Look, you can like who you want to like, but don't go all wide eyed now and pretend every word in this piece isn't shitting all over Ora. I've noticed this in several Jez pieces on her, which is weird because she can actually sing and she hasn't, so far as I know, been a bad person by pop music

'Shade' is just the new word for bitching like 'snark' is the new word for whining. It's just a way to try and make tired, shitty behaviour seem relevant. This just comes across like the lame, awkward girl in class trying to bitch about a cooler, more successful girl (note - these things are all relative, i'm no

You totally took the words out of my mouth and said them better. Thank you for this! I've loved Jezebel for years, but I'm so sick of this kind of shit. How is this relevant? At all? To anything? It's not, it's just mean, patronising and reeks of misplaced superiority. Boo!

Good riddance, Jezebel. This will be your last unnecessary, condescending and mean post that I'll be reading. I keep thinking you're going to get better, and rise above... But you don't. You always manage to throw in a nasty jab at someone who has done nothing awful to you.

You are bashing someone trying their best to

for real. I think it's kind of mean to make fun of someone, simply because they're being persistent in trying to grow their career. Tho had the flavor of a "cool" kid making fun of the "nerd" for studying before a test. WTF. Since when do we rip on women who work hard to get somewhere around here?

Whoa. Super bitchy-for-no-reason article. Nobody else is taken aback by this? It's just...odd.

I forget. Why do we not like Rita Ora? Or did the giant wheel of "Female Celebrities Jezebel Hates" finally land on her?

I'm confused as to why this would be confusing. What is there to feel for her besides compassion and support?

Falling down once, consequence free, does not seem like "a fail of epic proportions."

Of corset does.

If it takes a whole for the viral load to be evident in tests than it would also take a while for it to be contagious. Even in Texas, where the Dallas victim was traipsing around town for days after he developed a fever and the nurse was on a plane with a low fever, the only people who caught it were the people who

I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that