
You seem to have taken this rather personally. Do you write for Jezebel and don't want to be bothered looking for subjects for pieces so you just keep lazily defaulting to "Beyonce is the most perfect human ever!"

Ugh. So creepy. And it still took the jury a whole hour to deliberate? I would have been like, "Nope, it's cool, we can just vote right here and save you the trouble. Guilty. All agree? Yeah, thought so."

He's filming THE LOUVRE, genius. You realize this location has significance prior to Jay Z's narcissist ass arriving there, right?

Jay Z can go fuck right off. This guy has every right to wonder who the asshole is with the enormous entourage demanding passerby visiting this place stop taking photos lest His Majesty be annoyed, and the response question is idiotic. "Who are you?" He's a normal guy visiting a museum with his family and not creating

Same reason I don't want a dog. No way am I picking up dog poop.

The only way I will ever own a dog or cat again is if I had a ton of land with a barn that I could let a dog/cat come and go on its own and find its own rabbit or mouse to eat. Picking up dog poop and having to come home to feed............too much commitment.

Oh man, when I'm 80 I'm going to tell the youngins "Back in my day, we used to wait for songs to play on the radio, and then we'd have to hit record! And the DJ would cut the last four seconds of the song! Now you kids can just search for your songs on the interwebs and listen to them as you fly around on your magic

I've got two rescues, and what you are feeling is perfectly normal. I was VERY freaked out with the first one since it had been years since I'd had a dog, I literally took him in at 8:00 PM (some kids found him in a park and no one else stepped up to take him.) I spent half the next day at work Googling "how to care

Lol. You might as well be screaming "white power" brah.

Ok, I'll be THAT PERSON. I kind of feel like you're an asshole for lying to your boyfriend about seeing this. It's funny to read but I would be pissed if someone lied me into seeing something that they knew I had issues with (like parasite horror or a doc on tapeworms). I say this as a horror/gore aficionado. Some

Wouldn't that actually be 3/16? 1/8 + 1/16.

I'm trying to do the math on how someone could end up with 1/12 Cherokee blood. Triple lineage?

That's a reasonable thing to wish for.

These ARE aquarium shoes :)


preferring brunettes doesn't make one a bigot. there is no social-historical construct of idealizing brunettes or dislike blondes.

A.) You are correct. I dispute none of your words.

Ugh. You're in the fucking Oval Office. Granted, a large number of sacks-of-crap have occupied that office, but control your friggin' child, people. No one else thinks they're being adorable : you're raising future monsters.

Jesus take the wheel. Not everything is some assault against beyonce. ALL THE CELEB WEDDING CRASHES ARE TACKY ALL OF THEM. Not everyone is obligated to think that everything beyonce does is wonderful and perfectly charming. ok. The sun does not shine out of her ass. I am all for calling out anti black sentiment. But