
I love when they have Bey hating on the Kardashians and say it's because of sex tapes and crack. Um, Bey is married to a very successful drug dealer, hello.

Its just odd - I feel like some people have some weird chip on their shoulder and are just waiting for any opportunity to comment how "Europe" is not any better than the US. Even when "europe" is not even a subject matter.

Children who want to drink will find a way to get alcohol, so it's better to teach them how to do it responsibly, and to have adults around to moderate.

And also, what's the joke?? "Hahaha look at my 13 year old holding a bottle of vodka that I'm going to share with the world. FUNNY". I just don't get it.

"I'll have what she's having..."

This is what I thought - 21 and "doesn't want to do this alone anymore"? Get a grip!!

that is a great idea! i need to wash my NYE mascara off of my face still, so i am going to go into the bathroom and dance around to Ke$ha. (not my favoritest but all of my favoritest music is muy depressing most of the time. haha!)

thanks for the love!

While I do kind of understand the outrage, I think it's silly.

Spare me, the oh it could happen bullshit. Sometimes men shit on you because you let them; see e.g. above.

I guess a 50lb diamond can make a person think a douche will treat them different. All the best to gabby.
I will just say it: I think he is a fucking piece of shit for what he did to his ex-wife. I hope his dick falls off. If gabby had any sense, which it seems like she has none, she will see this guy for what a piece

It was a repulsive and insensitive thing to do. Helping to earn herself money at the expense of another persons tragedy. Simple.

That's cool. When one of your loved ones dies, please send me an audio recording of their last moments and I'll make a shitty song using it. Thanks!

It's kind of amazing. And that there's been so little reaction! The worst thing I've seen is the lyric being called "problematic." Well, if the fact that I have a great big problem with it makes it problematic, then hell yes, it's problematic! But I really think that's the LEAST of what's wrong with it.

It may seem irrelevant to you.

I drive by the Christa McAuliffe elementary school in Concord, NH a few times a week. Her husband is a district judge at the federal court in Concord. Christa taught at Concord High School.

It's not irrelevant here.

I think you might have missed the part where people who survived those who died in the Challenger explosion are still alive, and this was naturally painful for them.

I hope you're never in a horrible tragic accident that gets recorded and some pop singer uses as a background track for some song that will be forgotten about in a month. That is what the families of those who died doing something a lot more daring and heroic than Queen B has ever done. These people risked their lives

It looks like the families of the astronauts care. It also looks like people who give a damn about tragedies being used to turn a buck are pretty irritated as well.

Oh also the other reason this is hitting hard right now is that January is the month of anniversaries: Challenger was Jan 28th, Apollo 1 was Jan 27th (the fire on the pad where the astronauts were doing a launch pad test) and Feb 1st was the breakup of Columbia. Within NASA you'll find a bunch of us wearing Challenger

That's like the epitome of a faux-apology right there. Maybe it's the massive space nerd in me, who always wanted to be an astronaut and was really shaken up when the Columbia disaster happened when I was in high school - but this is just the grossest thing to me. "XO" isn't a song about "mortality" or whatever the

When I was about 8 or 9 an elderly relative referred to an even more elderly man as "boy". I hadn't heard that particular slur before and genuinely confused said "but he's older than you!" Later that day my parents explained what "boy" meant in that context, and I never heard my relative say it again.