
You calling someone self-righteous made my morning...

You misunderstood, I was talking to GB. I think you are woefully misguided and a bit naive, my dear. And GB has kindly tried to right you back on the path.

My heart just broke. *sniffle* And I'm not overly sensitive (I don't think).

You seem really confident speaking for "many African Americans" and how we feel about slavery.

Confident bordering on arrogant.

Since I actually am African American, and have fam who live in the South, I have serious doubts about the truth of your claim - and, even though I'm actually Black, I wouldn't be arrogant

I know what you mean. Around here if you display any understanding of history or context whatsoever someone immediately and indignantly informs you that you are Playing the Race Card (tm) which invalidates everything you have ever said about anything. I get that all the time as a white guy, I can't imagine how much

Have your wedding there and Paula Deen can be your caterer...Michael Richards will be the officiant...and Paris Hilton can be your DJ!

I do think that there is a difference between an African American family hosting a gathering on a plantation and a group of white women "shacking up" in one for a spiritual retreat. Context is everything.

I can't believe Ani DiFranco and her shithead fans were willing to give a plantation that's nostalgic about slavery HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS (the tickets were like, a grand for a room or some shit). That's like having a Diversity Conference at a former Holocaust site. One owned by Germans who have creepily

I admire Robin Roberts strength through this health crisis. But, I'm also happy to hear her give credit where credit's due!! The support from family, friends and loved ones is very crucial in recovery and healing. Everyone there to cheer her on deserves all the praise and more.

Racism and colorism is alive and well in this country, you'll get no argument from me on that point. But there have also been studies that show the absolute dearth of African Americans in elite universities in this country. If you are Black and you and your parents were born in this country you are almost non-existent

Nope. Some of the most successful Black people I know in this country are dark-skinned who are kids of immigrants from African countries or the Caribbean, like myself, in households where a B+ is considered a bad grade. Academic acheivement is the be-all-end-all in those households. No one has time to whine about not


Did we read the same passage? How can you say that after reading the way that her "friend" abused her? He humiliated her on account of her skin color and body, and he severely damaged her self esteem in ways that are actually very traumatic. After reading all that, your contribution is to go on the record saying

I don't know where to start with this rubbish that you posted, I'm "dark-skinned" African; and I'm not naive to the biases and privilege that comes with color related politics in different Black communities and outside the black community in the U.S. As an individual whose dad is considered "light skinned", my mom is

To no-Americans.

But there is a big difference between voicing your point of view from your perspective and completely discouraging someone from their goals because YOU believe they will fail. It's not a constructive opinion or suggestion, it's someone completely burying another person in their perceptions and negativity.

This was sure a lot of words to insult one performer. Bravo, Jezebel. You must feel so proud.

I'm an American living in the UK, and after seeing the differences in charity vs. government support, this actually makes sense. In the US, the emphasis is on giving charity while keeping the government out of it. In the UK, social support is expected from the government, not individual charity.

And there's Richard Cohen's essay where he admitted that he thought slaves had been contented for the most part, and that Gone With the Wind was an accurate depiction of life for slaves, and that 12 Years a Slave finally made him see it was not. WTF?! It's crazy to me that people think things like this, but they

Wait, I thought Courtney cleaned up... And sorry to not take your advice, but having that scum of the Earth ex out of my life is making my life way better, considering how far he'd go to compromise my current, wonderful relationship. Sometimes you gotta cut the tumor out of your life. There's NO forgiving that piece