
I feel like a real red flag is any man who refers to women as "females."

Lance Armstrong paid another rider $100,000 to throw the Thrift Drug Triple Crown?

Never has a race been more inappropriately *and* appropriately named at the same time . . .

Since drug companies carry out pretty much all of the preliminary research on their own drugs, it's going to have ties to "Big Pharma", obviously.

I'm sure a week from now Taye Diggs will come out and blame black women for the dissolution of his marriage. I mean black women did get private practice cancelled, after all.

Takeaway: WHITE.

Ugh. This.

Still no apologies from gawker media to the couple after reporting their alleged bigotry AS FACT.

This is a little body-shaming in my opinion. I don't think I'll look anything like her at 44, but how is her being thin and gorgeous not an accurate representation of a grown woman? What she said was a little smarmy, especially since she obviously hit the genetic lottery and is aided by Photoshop, but there's

Yay! Respectability politics! Yay!

That's okay. You're allowed to think that. The West Indies is not a monolith.

So then explain Lorde? She's not particularly good at anything except "decrying opulence". Explain Lana Del Rey? Explain any of the myriad of other mediocre white female singers who don't attract this much ire, aren't highly sexualized and still super famous? But with Rihanna she's only famous because she's sexy? Ok.

And you know this because....?

Rape and HIV are the reality of many women in SA. Both have touched my family in many many ways, and we've had one loss of life so far (my 26 year old cousin). This copy paste job exploits the plight of South African women and exhibits no understanding of the role SOUTH AFRICAN WOMEN PLAY IN THEIR OWN LIBERATION, let

God, please stop worshiping celebrity children.

And so let justice be done! I'm so glad to hear everything turned out as it should :)

Sorry but I don't support this man and I wish the Black community (and everyone else) would stand up more when Black women and girls are sexually abused.

Interestingly, that's not really true. The corruption in Nigeria is incredible, and international oil companies + the corrupt government work together to make sure pretty much none of the population ever sees a cent of the main export of the country through jobs or general economic development.

Nope he means all black people. He said in the interview (a part conspicuously missing here) that of the 1400 billionaires on the planet only 7 are black (and most of them are African). And you've made a good point there is tons of oil in Nigerian, so why are there less than a handful of billionaires compared to the

Eh, turkey pardoning is stupid, but Obama basically has to do it. If he doesn't, he's un-American, hates Thanksgiving, he hates our traditions, he refused to do it because it wasn't halal, something, something, pilgrims, Jesus. It's not a hill worth dying on in his presidency.
Also, the health drawbacks are sort of