
Oh please. Morrissey is nothing more than a querulous, preening racist psychopath who wrote mortifying and inexplicably popular songs.

So where the fuck was Morrissey when every other politician back to the beginning of time was engaging in this same stupid tradition? Is it evil now because the secret Muslim from Kenya did it?

I'm getting more and more upset as I think of these details. Maybe I should just make the gravy.

In my opinion, the only woman who deserves Person Of The Year is Malala Yousafzai. If Time chooses someone like Miley Cyrus over her, it is going to completely discredit this honor. Miley is a completely waste of space, whose only "accomplishment" is transforming herself into a high-end stripper. Look at the things

HOW DO YOU MAKE TURKEY GRAVY WITHOUT A TURKEY?!?! I'm so confused by your friend. None of this makes any sense. Also, the person making the Turkey should have to make only the Turkey (and the gravy, which you make with the fat and run off from the Turkey roast, duh). Good luck with what I can only assume will be a

Wow I really feel for you. This happens every time my best friend and I try to throw a party for our own friends, as well as her boyfriend's friends. Our friends pitch in with booze and snacks and her boyfriend's friends bring absolutely nothing. No. Thing. Not even plates or cups or bottled water. I'm getting pissed

I vote you bring your own pie and gravy and lock her out of the house. Seriously.

She can judge whether or not she ever wants to be involved in a potluck with this person again.

Did she know that there were only 3 cooks, or that the host was expecting to have everything on the list? If I was invited to a potluck and presented with that list, I would probably assume that either a) there were at least half as many cooks as dishes, or b) the purpose of the list was just to make sure there were

A sad and flavorless place.

How can you make gravy without the bird? You should be doing turkey and gravy and that's it!

Girl, just bring your own tupperware for leftovers. If you didn't say anything before just let it go and don't have it ruin your day. Eat, take home lunch for next week and maybe pack up freezer stockage and keep it moving. If you do it again for Xmas or next year (or any other time) just make sure you handle the

Maybe she didn't know how many people were diviying up the list/invited. Try to just think of the delicious dinner you will be having tomorrow (that you made half of :/ ) and if this happens next year suggest the number of items each person should bring. Getting mad isn't going to help at this point, it just makes you

I definitely typoed a "no" when I meant "yes". So, yeah, if you are all pretty much equal, or equal enough, it should totally work. Good luck and HAVE FUN.

i am tremendously embarrassed at my lack of culinary skills. i can make eggs, and pasta. everything else i burn, undercook, leave ingredients out, put too many ingredients in, spill, cut myself, or do the steps out of order. i have spent hundreds of dollars on ingredients for SIMPLE ASS SHIT over the years, only to

Also, wouldn't make sense for the person who brings gravy to be the one who made the turkey? You should point this out to her and stick her with the turkey. I dare you.

You totally have the right to be stressed out/pissed off! I sort of feel like whoever brings the turkey should be able to say, "I am bringing the turkey. The end."

You totally got it, dry and without a kiss first. Try not to let it ruin your day, it's too late to do much about it now. Onward and happy thanksgiving!!

Yargh that is some straight up BULLSHIT. The turkey should be enough, period.

Well, if the pie is soggy and the gravy is lumpy you will be glad that she didn't do more. I think it's too late to do much about the situation this year, but if you do potluck again next year the host can request that she make a couple of dishes. If it turns out that she is not a great cook, you can ask her to bring