
Tell them you were pregnant with a black mans fetus but had an abortion. Given what you mentioned, I doubt you would be invited back again. Also, consider getting these people out of your lives. I had a similar family and life has been pretty damn good now that I removed the tumors.

May I suggest you make a clean break. Some people just don't need to be in your life.

His obnoxiousness seems to know no bounds.

Whoa. That was a shockingly gross level of trolliness. Kudos on the apropos Ri pic.

Well, I think it was that he really did like me and continued to date me/be affectionate, but after awhile realized that he didn't feel the "spark", so to speak. I mean, people date to try other people on for size. Looks like I just didn't fit. But I get what you're saying. He was a little misleading in his actions,

Today is my 58th Birthday! I feel great! Can I get a Woot-Woot? Cool. Survived a lot of shit and got grey hair, but life is good. Rock On, Jezebels!

Prince Harry is sexy and all but who is the stone cold fox sitting next to him in the last photo!?

Maybe you should look at the context before making accusations of double standards. People haven't been replying to spicsetc because he is an obvious troll and trolls thrive on attention, not because they don't see anything wrong with his utterly and completely vile comments. Do you really think it would have been

It's not an evolutionary thing, nor is it hardwired. You don't actually care about anyone else because you were brought up to believe that the only people who mattered were men like you. Women were brought up to believe that everyone except women matter. Blaming evolution for it is just a way to avoid taking

Yeah, I always tell people to read King Leopold's Ghost...horrifying but it's important history that is NEVER taught. People just vieweid the genocide as black folks killing each other for no reason.

In Rwanda, Hutus and Tutsis were segregated through government policies and put into different racial categories because of Belgian colonialism. They had never had problems with each other before then. Thanks colonialism!

Daaaaaaaaang Harrison, get yours!!!!

Why does she keep going back to Fitz when she has a perfectly good Scott Foley back at the office?!

I'm in my jammies and have my special wine glass all ready to go.

Brandi Glanville's tweet is like that girl at the lunch table who casually mentions the guy she's dating in an offhand fashion at least a dozen times in hopes that you will ask if she's seeing someone.

Is there some reason Brandi Glanville couldn't have just told her now probably ex-guy she was sort of seeing about that? Tweeting it out to the world seems like an attempt to humiliate him. Though, to be honest, if it were me, I'd be more embarrassed if people found out I was dating anyone from a RH show. 'Girly' text

A lot of non white Americans share anti black racism. I would also say a great deal of it comes from being able to share something important with whites. Throwing shade on "the blacks" is a great American past time, especially if one wants to assimilate.

Seems likely a battle for dominance (on the male part, anyways) that went horribly wrong. The instinct is still there, but lacking the education the lions gets from being in a pride in the wild, the male probably fucked up in its instinct to establish dominance.