
You are clearly a genius. That sounds amazing.

You are a shameless GENIUS.

That is a brilliant idea and I'm doing that the next time I travel.

my mother had sex with my father the night before he died. she has always counted it as a blessing. the last words they said to each other was "goodbye, i love you."

i don't know why they're sensationalizing it when i image she thinks of it as a blessing as well. this is a sweet story, not STEAMY

Even the half decent SNL skits are many minutes too long.

I think it's awesome that someone here made you feel empowered, but this "you don't have the luxury of time anymore" thing is laughably stupid, IMHO. At 29? Christ, I'm 29. Yes, it feels sometimes like everyone is a married, home owning parent. Sometimes I'm envious, and other times I'm drinking wine and watching a

Met my husband the year I turned 30! And one of my besties met her guy when she was 33. They aren't married, because its not their thing, but they are very much in love and together and will be for a very long time, I am sure. Both of us had dated many people, tried OKC and other dating sites, and we both me our

If white men having Yellow Fever for Asian women is a thing, Asian women having White Fever for white men is definitely also a thing.

I hate to say this, but I don't think racism will end anytime soon. The more globalization there is and the more formerly poor countries develop, the more groups that were once fairly insular, homogenous and isolated will come into contact with other groups. Colorism has always existed in various societies. And it

Well, I wouldn't blame yourself. It went wrong when they decided to tell you a deeply embarrassing story - what should be a source of family shame - as a "joke," not because you were subjected to it. You're the victim here, but I totally agree that you don't have to put up with it in the future.

"Haha, you know what's funny, people closely related to me think that you are inherently inferior! Don't you think that's hilarious?"

I'm not playing the game. I know you think you're doing a brilliant job of not revealing it is a game, but not so much. :)

Unfortunately, they won't die before they indoctrinate their hate into the minds and hearts of those younger than them. Many generations will have to die before we see real change. These ignorant young people really break my heart. So ignorant to the past (good and bad) but still so full of hate. And the young kids of

Cute, except it fails to acknowledge that there are some very real and relevant reasons that some women choose not to identify as feminists (rampant racism and transmisogyny within mainstream feminism come to mind) as well as the complicated, messy issue of men identifying as feminists (and then proceeding to tromp

Why does the entire world have to be kid safe? Why have ceded the responsibility of teaching responsible drinking in moderation to corporations? Why should adults have to forgo something they might like ("tasty" booze) because it might be <gasp> bad for children? Why isn't the responsibility of parents to ensure that

Red Stripe isn't the only brand doing this. Why are they being singled out? Is it because it's a JAMAICAN beer and associated with those wild brown people?


Who grows these dudes?

When I come home newly-shorn (I like to grow it out lonnnng then chop it pixie-short) I *always* get the hottest sex ever. Like, in the front hall now-now-now sex. And that's after 19 years of marriage. Confidence is sexy to secure men, and ain't no confidence like chopping off 12" of hair.

Just want to share: my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer beginning of October. Her mastectomy is scheduled two weeks from today; I can't tell you how much this woman and this video have done to shift my perspective as I prepare to go home to be with mumsy....I had to watch it in pieces I was crying so hard.