
Reading all the Rashida Jones backlash, I feel the need to be the lone voice who says, I kinda miss the days when feminism meant that we wanted to NOT be looked on as sluts. I mean, seriously. Wishing that people, no matter what their gender, behave with even just a smidge of dignity isn't anti-woman.

'"High in risk..."

I dig this actually. Lets face it. Sex can be an overrated activity. High in risk and low in reward. I know its not for everyone but I've been celibate for the past 15 years or so (no reason really I just couldn't be bothered with sex anymore.) It cut a lot of the stressful bullshit out of my life. I also learned that

I see nothing wrong with what she said. Too many folks are concerned with offending those bootleg "feminists" (who bastardize the true values of feminism that never cosigned this fuckery) that they allow trifling behavior/demeanor to go on unchecked. I may not be a fan of hers, but Rashida Jones earns major points

Don't be mad, Rashida. Tits and ass is all that some people have to offer, and we should let them have agency over their sexuality, bless their hearts.

Getting pregnant will fix your body, your relationship, and your existential crisis. Just one moment ............................................... WHERE THE SHIT AM I AND WHERE DID JEZEBEL GO?

1) I spent three months vomiting and fainting in public - and got so ill I started seeing things that weren't there, like twin demon babies sitting on my dressing table. I was temping and got fired because vomiting ten times a day and fainting on the train meant that I was a less than model employee.

First off, perhaps when you're wildly throwing insults... lethekk stated she was not American. And I'm sorry she gave, briefly, a fuck about your country through reading a story. You really showed her!

My test is "can you love me with baggage?" I tell a new guy on the third date that I have a serious illness. If he can't handle it, I don't want to get attached. I've lost every boyfriend but one in the past 10 years because I'm sick, but it's always "I'm not like the other guys, it's not like you have any control

One, she didn't say she knew more than Pakistan than Pakistani women, two, she already apologized for being presumptuous, and three, it is perfectly possible (and no, this does not apply to lethekk) for someone to know more about an issue a country/culture/subculture faces than the people who live there/are part of

lethekk, you are being more gracious than most would be in your response to Scobies. This girl is in the news because there was an assassination attempt. It is not racist or ignorant to assume that she faces a similar risk if she returns to Pakistan.

Wow, it's almost like you said something sexist and admittely irrational on a feminist site and mean feminist harpies are jumping on you for it.

THIS! I wasn't looking to date anyone when I met the current bf. Someone he fell for me despite seeing me in ratty sweatpants, no makeup, and oftentimes super dorky glasses. When I put on makeup he likes it, but I feel so much less pressure about looking perfect. I used to wonder why my mom never wears makeup aside

But is it OK for us to participate in something that contributes to our own disenfranchisement in this way, in the interest of holding on to traditions? I would argue no, on a theoretical level. But on an individual level, I obviously don't think anyone should have to do something in order to be a "good" feminist.

See, that overwhelming number (96%?!?!?!) is why I am not OK with women taking their husband's last name. Every time this topic comes up, women come out of the woodwork with their personal story about why it was really important to them to take their husband's last name, and obviously that's fine. This is your life

Class is mutual respect. We all should give a fuck about it.

"You should feel lucky that you get to be my official girlfriend — all the rest are just sidepiece sluts! I really love you! But you can't do the same... that would mean your attention is on someone else! And heaven forbid you break up with me and focus on yourself, because that means you didn't even need a guy to

Liberal minded fellows from higher latitudes! Tired of all that wind and snow? Dreading your heating bills come winter? Afflicted with rickets from the lack of sunlight in your area/windowless pantry advertised as cozy apartment? Move to the South! Rents are cheap, AC is included, and with enough of you we can break

I will forever be in the gray, but I have to post this!

By 11 PM, if the store isn't far! ;-)