
Oh fuck off, Wendy Williams.


Jumping in (hope you don't mind) to say that I'm in the same boat and what you've just said struck me. I'm 1 month post awful breakup and the worst part is understanding how educated, accomplished, awesome me settled into a bad relationship because of reasons unknown.

You're right. Everyone always has everything they need to live at all times. The only times we go into debt are to buy the things we do not need.

This is exactly what I was addressing and thanks for articulating it better than I was able to. I love this site but we're not always good at addressing race-specific issues. And it's not always the trolls making insensitive comments.

Yes. I cannot even bring myself to go back and check either. Not to be overly dramatic but I wasn't prepared for how these comments would get under my skin.

I'm very disheartened by the number of racist comments generated by the earlier article about the black woman in a sex club. What the hell is going on here?


As someone who just got dumped in a heartless ass way 2 weeks ago, I say, get your cry on! Wail and scream and thrash until it feels ridiculous to be expending that kind of energy on an asshole.

I had to turn off the radio this morning because 4 men were having the most absurd discussion about the affair. Apparently, his wife is the crazy one for letting herself go and what was she thinking? Didn't she know that looking like his maid would get her cheated on? This was the exact argument put forth.

I'm so sorry. Now is a good time to lean on friends and family for support. I'm going through a terrible breakup and sudden death of a loved one and find great comfort in talking to those around me who care and just leaning on the feeling of being loved and supported.

Tried and failed. Will have to stick to face-to-face dating.

Been there. And yes.

Ugh. I'm sitting at home flirting with my damn HIGH SCHOOL crush by liking his pics on FB. High school was 12 years ago.

I've also heard of this thingy called the internet where people can use various forums to ask questions and get different opinions on a particular topic of interest.

Aww. I'm so sorry to hear. *Hugs*

Nonsense. In my experience, it has very little to do with the cheated upon partner and more to do with the issues in the cheater's own life. Problems in a relationship can be solved in ways that do not involve rubbing one's genitals up against another person.

Exactly. Why are we bemoaning the fact that powerful men can cheat but powerful women can't? We're aspiring to be like that now? Sheesh!

As a black woman raised in the Caribbean, I concur.

Come on Florida!!! I'll take back all the nasty stuff I've ever said about you.